CBSE Board Question Papers

CBSE Class 10 Term 2 SQP and Solutions for All subjects

CBSE STD 10 Term II SQP solutions

From the academic year 2021-22, CBSE has changed the examination pattern for STD 10 and 12, the CBSE board will hold 2 phases of examinations named term 1 and term 2. This decision was taken due to the uncertainty arising out of COVID-19 Pandemic.

Schedule for Term 2 examinations

The timetable for class 10 term 2 examinations are yet to be released. As per the latest notifications released, CBSE is planning to start the examinations from April 26. The Board clarifies the following point about the conduct of Term 2 examinations.

1. Term II Theory examinations will commence from 26. April, 2022

2. The pattern pf the question papers will be the same as that of Sample Question Papers hosted on Boards Website.

3 The students will appear in the examinations from the allotted examination centers as done during the preceding years.

4. The Date Sheet for Classes X and XII will be released soon, and the same will be available on Board’s website at

5. Messages/information spreading on social media may t e considered only after verifying the facts available on the Board’s website.

Pattern of Term 2 Examinations

Unlike the term 1 examination, the term II question papers will contain subjective and descriptive questions together with MCQ questions, whereas the term 1 examination had only multiple choice questions. The board is expected to follow the same pattern of Sample question papers released for term 2 practice.

Sample Question Paper and Solutions for Term 2 Exam 2022

The terms 2 examinations for class 10 is expected to be commenced on 26th April, practicing with the CBSE model question papers or SQP’s are very important. That will help the students to familiarise with the latest pattern and difficullty level of the examinations. Model papers, Answer Keys, Marking Scheme, Exam blueprint and detailed video solutions can be downloaded from the links below.

NoSubjectwise SQP and solutions
2Hindi– A
3Hindi B
4Maths (Basic)
5Maths (Standard)
7Social Science
8All other subjects

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