CBSE Board Question Papers

CBSE Class 11 and 12 Revised Syllabus 2020-2021

Revised cbse syllabus for12th Board exam

The Covid-19 pandemic resulting in lockdown has really impacted the life of the students. Due to this, the CBSE has revised the syllabus for classes 11 and 12 for the year 2020-2021. As we all know, 11th standard is as crucial as 12th for every student as the basics of a new stream is taught here and Class 12 is considered as the turning point in a student’s academic career as the results of Class 12 will decide the future career options. If you fail to understand the concepts of class 11 now, you may later face lots of difficulties in class 12.  To prepare for the Board examination, one needs to be well equipped of the basics and therefore Class 11 and class 12 is equally important to score well in the Board examination. 

Having the syllabus handy while preparing for the academic year and upcoming examination helps you be more strategic and organized. Reference to the revised syllabus would give the students an overview of the important topics for this academic year. Download the PDF format of the latest syllabus from the links provided below and start preparing for your examinations.

A glimpse on the syllabus:

  1. Languages include English, Hindi etc. where the curriculum in languages focuses on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills that cater to promoting the language skills required for academic study as well as the language skills required for the workplace.
  2. Mathematics curriculum focuses on Algebra, Calculus, Statistics and Probability, Relations and Functions etc. thus acquainting the students with different aspects of Mathematics used in daily life.
  3. Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) focusses on gaining knowledge about Food, Materials, The World of the Living, Kinematics, Chemical Thermodynamics, Organic Chemistry, Oscillations and Waves, Natural Phenomenon and many more. 
  4. The Commerce curriculum introduces the students to Financial Accounting, Foundations of Business, Finance and Trade and statistics for Economics.

Download All subject syllabus in PDF format

Click on the below links to get the detailed syllabus, course structure, exam pattern etc of each subject in CBSE Class XI and XII

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