Class XI

CBSE Plus One Biology Notes and Solutions

Study Notes, Solutions for Problems, Further references and Video Lectures for NCERT Plus One Biology Syllabus

cbse plus one biology free study materials

Biology, being the highest score carrying subject, can assure you guaranteed good marks if you have prepared well for the examination. Most of the questions of Biology are based on basic concepts and therefore, to help you ace your examination and receive clarity towards all the concepts, various study materials for CBSE Class 11 has been provided in our website. This knowledge would also benefit students in their forthcoming education and future entrance examinations.

With a vast collection of different study materials like Revision Notes, Lecture Notes, Practice Papers, Reference Notes, etc., the students can update and test their knowledge before the examination. The reference material is provided for all the chapters of CBSE Class XI Biology in the links below.

Video links for each and every chapter of Class XI Biology are also provided to give the students a visual understanding on the topics covered as per the syllabus.

Study Materials, Notes, Video Lectures of CBSE Class XI Biology:

The Pdf format of the study materials can be downloaded for free from the links provided below.

In short, this is a one-stop platform for complete study material for Biology.


Chapter No. Chapter Name
1 The Living World
2 Biological Classification
3 Plant Kingdom
4 Animal Kingdom
5 Morphology of Flowering Plants
6 Anatomy of Flowering Plants
7 Structural Organisation in Animals
8 Cell The Unit of Life 
9 Biomolecules 
10 Cell Cycle and Cell Division
11 Transport in Plants
12 Mineral Nutrition
13 Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
14 Respiration in Plants
15 Plant Growth and Development
16 Digestion and Absorption
17 Breathing and Exchange of Gases
18 Body Fluids and Circulation
19 Excretory Products and their Elimination
20 Locomotion and Movement
21 Neural Control and Coordination
22 Chemical Coordination and integration


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