IES 2019 Solved Question Papers- All subjects

IES ESE 2019 Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics Solved Papers

ESE 2019 Previous Year Question papers and solutions

Indian Engineering Services (IES) is the most-in -demand career option for the engineering graduates in India. Inorder to recruit engineers for the Techno –Managerial posts, Union Public Services commission (UPSC) conducts the Engineering Services Examination – ESE once every year. It mainly has four branches – Electrical, Civil, Mechanical and Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering. This examination is considered to be one of the toughest in India due to the few posts and very high competition.

The exam is conducted in three stages; IES Preliminary, Main Written Exam & Interview. On the basis of merits scored by candidates in IES exam, they are posted in various Ministries and Departments of GOI such as Railways, Telecom, IDSE, MES etc.

IES ESE  Eligibility:

1. Nationality:

The candidate must be either:

  • (a) A citizen of India or
  • (b) A subject of Nepal or A subject of Bhutan or A Tibetan refugee who came over to Indian before the 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India.
  • (c) A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka or East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia or from Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.

    2. Age Limits
  • The candidate must have attained 21 years and must not have crossed the age of 30 years on the 1st January, of the exam year.
  • Physical Examination:
  • Candidates must be physically fit for the admissions to Engineering Service Examination as per the UPSC guidelines.
    3. Educational Qualification:
    • Degree in engineering from a recognised university
    • Passed section A & B of the institution examination
    • Obtained a degree/diploma in Engineering from such foreign University college which is recognised in India
    • For Naval Armament Service – MSc degree or its equivalent with Wireless Communication Electronics, Radio Physics or Radio Engineering as a special subject.
  • For Indian Radio Regulatory Service – MSc degree or its equivalent with Wireless Communication Electronics, Radio Physics or Radio Engineering as a special subject or MSc with Physics and Radio Communication or Electronics or Telecommunication as a special subject.


IES/ ESE Syllabus:

Stage I – Paper I, Objective type, Common to all Candidates:

  1. Current issues of national and international importance relating to social, economic and industrial development
  2. Engineering Aptitude covering Logical reasoning and Analytical ability
  3. Engineering Mathematics and Numerical Analysis
  4. General Principles of Design, Drawing, Importance of Safety
  5. Standards and Quality practices in production, construction, maintenance and services
  6. Basics of Energy and Environment: Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, Climate Change, Environmental impact assessment
  7. Basics of Project Management
  8. Basics of Material Science and Engineering
  9. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) based tools and their applications in Engineering such as networking, e-governance and technology based education.
  10. Ethics and values in Engineering profession

Stage II – Paper II, Main Subjective Paper

  • Civil Engineering:

Paper 1: 

    1. Building Materials
    2. Solid Mechanics
    3. Structural Analysis
    4. Design of Steel Structures
    5. Design of Concrete and Masonry structures
    6. Construction Practice, Planning and Management

 Paper II: 

  1. Flow of Fluids, Hydraulic Machines and Hydro Power
  2. Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
  3. Environmental Engineering
  4. Geo-technical Engineering and Foundation Engineering
  5.  Surveying and Geology
  6. Transportation Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering:

Paper 1: 

    1. Fluid Mechanics
    2. Thermodynamics and Heat transfer
    3. IC Engines, Refrigeration and Air conditioning
    4. Turbo Machinery
    5. Power Plant Engineering
    6. Renewable Sources of Energy

  Paper II:

  1. Engineering Mechanics
  2. Engineering Materials
  3. Mechanisms and Machines
  4. Design of Machine Elements
  5. Manufacturing, Industrial and Maintenance Engineering
  6. Mechatronics and Robotics


  • Electrical Engineering:

Paper I:

  1. Engineering Mathematics
  2. Electrical Materials
  3. Electric Circuits and Fields
  4. Electrical and Electronic Measurements
  5. Computer Fundamentals
  6. Basic Electronics Engineering

Paper II:

  1. Analog and Digital Electronics
  2. Systems and Signal Processing
  3. Control Systems
  4. Electrical Machines
  5. Power Systems
  6. Power Electronics and Drives
  • Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering:

Paper I:

  1. Basic Electronics Engineering
  2. Basic Electrical Engineering
  3. Materials Science:
  4. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation:
  5. Network Theory:
  6. Analog and Digital Circuits:

Paper II:

  1. Analog and Digital Communication Systems:
  2. Control Systems:
  3. Computer Organization and Architecture:
  4. Electro Magnetics:
  5. Advanced Electronics Topics:
  6. Advanced Communication Topics:

IES/ ESE Exam Pattern:

Engineering Services Examination (ESE) Preliminary examination will be conducted in offline mode. The main written exam has Paper I – Objective Pattern which will carry 200 marks while Paper II – Subjective Pattern will carry a total of 300 marks totalling to 500 marks.

Stage 1: Preliminary Examination (Objective Papers)

Stage 1 Paper Type Marks Duration

Stage II: Conventional Examination (Subjective Papers)

Stage II Paper Type Marks Duration

Stage III: Personality Test

Stage 1II Paper Type Marks
Interview Personality Test 200
TOTAL (Stages 1 + II +III) 1300

Note that there is negative marking for a wrongly – chosen answer. In case of question not answered, no marks would be deducted.

The Candidates clearing all the Stages are included in the Final Merit List of Engineering Services Exam and are recruited based on their domain.

ESE- Engineering Services Examination 2019 Solved papers

Reference to the previous years Question Papers would give a clear idea about the exam pattern, topics covered, marking scheme, time management, etc. So, download 2019 IES question papers and practice them to improve your speed and accuracy. Click on the links below to download them for free:

Sl. No Subject
1 CE-Civil Engineering- All Sets of Solved Papers ESE 2019 (Paper I &II)
2 ME- Mechanical Engineering – All Sets of Solved Papers ESE 2019 (Paper I &II)
3 EE- Electrical Engineering- All Sets of Solved Papers ESE 2019 (Paper I &II)
4 ECE- Electronics and Telecommunication Engg – All Sets of Solved Papers ESE 2019 (Paper I &II)


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