04-15-2022, 10:47 PM
Download question paper of Kerala II Year Higher Secondary Exam 2022 for BotanyÂ
Some Sample questions from the +2 Botany Question paper 2022
1. Explain the method of genetically engineered human insulin production by 4EIi Lilly’ in 1983.
2. List out some of the adaptations seen in desert plants.
3. What are the consequences of deforestation ?
4. Pyramid of energy is always upright Why ?
5. What are the four main objectives of Bio-fortification ?
6 Mention the functions of GEAC (Genetic Engineering Approval Committee).
For complete question paper and answer key download the PDF files from the links below
Answer key is provided by Dr. SUNIL KUMAR. S, NVT Biology, GVHSS Ramavarmapuram.
Kerala +2 Exam 2022- Botany Question Paper.pdf (Size: 616.54 KB / Downloads: 3,012)
Kerala Plus Two Botany Answer Key 2022.pdf (Size: 479.1 KB / Downloads: 2,288)
Some Sample questions from the +2 Botany Question paper 2022
1. Explain the method of genetically engineered human insulin production by 4EIi Lilly’ in 1983.
2. List out some of the adaptations seen in desert plants.
3. What are the consequences of deforestation ?
4. Pyramid of energy is always upright Why ?
5. What are the four main objectives of Bio-fortification ?
6 Mention the functions of GEAC (Genetic Engineering Approval Committee).
For complete question paper and answer key download the PDF files from the links below
Answer key is provided by Dr. SUNIL KUMAR. S, NVT Biology, GVHSS Ramavarmapuram.
Kerala +2 Exam 2022- Botany Question Paper.pdf (Size: 616.54 KB / Downloads: 3,012)
Kerala Plus Two Botany Answer Key 2022.pdf (Size: 479.1 KB / Downloads: 2,288)