06-17-2022, 11:36 AM
Attached is the +1 Accountancy (AFS) Model Question Paper 2022 with the answer key for downloading..
It contains Fill in the blanks, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8 mark questions.
Sample questions from the question paper are:
Plus One Model Exam 2022 Question Paper- ACCOUNTANCY (AFS).pdf (Size: 7.43 MB / Downloads: 525)
Plus One Accountancy (AFS) Model Exam 2022 Answer Key by Ramesh Sir.pdf (Size: 374.64 KB / Downloads: 463)
It contains Fill in the blanks, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8 mark questions.
Sample questions from the question paper are:
- Favourable balance of bank column of cash book means
- a) Bank overdraftb) Credit balance of cash bookc) Debit balance of pass bookd) Debit balance of cash book
- Site two examples of contra entry transaction
- Briefly explain the error of omission with an example.
- Write three differences between Journal and Ledger.
- Briefly explain any three causes of Depreciation.
- Calculate cost of goods sold from the following :
Purchases Rs. 84,000/-; Wages Rs. 26,000/- Closing Stock Rs. 10,000/-
- State any four reasons for preparing a bank reconciliation statement.
Plus One Model Exam 2022 Question Paper- ACCOUNTANCY (AFS).pdf (Size: 7.43 MB / Downloads: 525)
Plus One Accountancy (AFS) Model Exam 2022 Answer Key by Ramesh Sir.pdf (Size: 374.64 KB / Downloads: 463)