10-07-2021, 05:46 PM
Question paper and answer key of Plus One Board Examination 2021, Accountancy with AFS (Analysis of Financial Statements). Question paper and key of exam held on 07.10.2021
Some sample questions from Accountancy with AFS question paper
1. Write any two users of accounting information.
2. What are the differences between Journal and Ledger ?
3. Write the treatment of “closing stock†in the financial statement enterprise.
4. Name any two special journals.
5. Â Briefly explain the duality concept of accounting.
6. Why adjusting entries are necessary for preparing financial statements ?
7. Describe the needs for preparing Bank Reconciliation statement.
8. Â What are the possible reasons for keeping incomplete records for accounting ?
9. Explain the objectives of preparing the Trial Balance.
10. State any four essential features of Bill of Exchange.
For complete question paper and answer key, Download the files given below
Answer key and solutions are prepared by RAMESH VP (HSST COMMERCE , GHSS KATTILANGADI)
Plus One Final Exam 2021- Accountancy (AFS) Question Paper FY249.pdf (Size: 567.18 KB / Downloads: 5,406)
Plus One Final Exam 2021- Accountacy with AFS Official Answer Key.pdf (Size: 677.76 KB / Downloads: 3,312)
Plus One Board Exam 2021 Accountancy with AFS ANSWER KEY.pdf (Size: 681.82 KB / Downloads: 1,877)
Some sample questions from Accountancy with AFS question paper
1. Write any two users of accounting information.
2. What are the differences between Journal and Ledger ?
3. Write the treatment of “closing stock†in the financial statement enterprise.
4. Name any two special journals.
5. Â Briefly explain the duality concept of accounting.
6. Why adjusting entries are necessary for preparing financial statements ?
7. Describe the needs for preparing Bank Reconciliation statement.
8. Â What are the possible reasons for keeping incomplete records for accounting ?
9. Explain the objectives of preparing the Trial Balance.
10. State any four essential features of Bill of Exchange.
For complete question paper and answer key, Download the files given below
Answer key and solutions are prepared by RAMESH VP (HSST COMMERCE , GHSS KATTILANGADI)
Plus One Final Exam 2021- Accountancy (AFS) Question Paper FY249.pdf (Size: 567.18 KB / Downloads: 5,406)
Plus One Final Exam 2021- Accountacy with AFS Official Answer Key.pdf (Size: 677.76 KB / Downloads: 3,312)
Plus One Board Exam 2021 Accountancy with AFS ANSWER KEY.pdf (Size: 681.82 KB / Downloads: 1,877)