06-05-2024, 11:48 AM
Download Computer Science question paper and answer key of Kerala 12th Board examination 2024.
Some sample questions are:
1. The full form of DML is_______________.
2. Legal right given to the creators for an original work isĀ
(a) Geographical indication (b) Trademark ( c) Copyright (d) Industrial design
3. What do you mean by stack overflow and stack underflow?
4. Define the following terms :
(b) Software ports
5. Write the names of the following :
(a) Operator used for adding two strings in JavaScript.
(b) Function used in JavaScript to convert string type data containing numbers to number data type.
6. Define the term data independence. What are the different levels of data independence ?
7. Explain briefly about any three core data types in PHP.
Click here to get the detailed CS question paper 2024
Kerala Plus Two Final exam March 2024 Computer Science Question paper.pdf (Size: 217.63 KB / Downloads: 611)
Kerala Plus Two Board Exam 2024 Computer Science (SY-530) Official Answer Key.pdf (Size: 619.41 KB / Downloads: 364)
Some sample questions are:
1. The full form of DML is_______________.
2. Legal right given to the creators for an original work isĀ
(a) Geographical indication (b) Trademark ( c) Copyright (d) Industrial design
3. What do you mean by stack overflow and stack underflow?
4. Define the following terms :
(b) Software ports
5. Write the names of the following :
(a) Operator used for adding two strings in JavaScript.
(b) Function used in JavaScript to convert string type data containing numbers to number data type.
6. Define the term data independence. What are the different levels of data independence ?
7. Explain briefly about any three core data types in PHP.
Click here to get the detailed CS question paper 2024