Top 4 Useful Calculators
Percentage Calculators
Simple calculation among the four and used regularly. Teachers and students use it these calculation.

Formula to calculate percentage :

m % of a number N = N x ( m / 100 )

m, N = Numbers

Arithmetic Operations of Fractions

How much time will it take to calculate addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of complex fractions ??

Make it simple with online calculator and find the answers easily.

Formula used :

Addition = ( AD + BC ) / BD
Subtraction = ( AD - BC ) / BD
Multiplication = AC / BD
Division = AD / BC

Simple Interest:

Used by many to calculate emi and loan calculations.

Formula Used :

SI [Interest] = (P×R×T)/100
P [sum] = (SI×100)/(R×T)
R [Rate/year] = (SI×100)/(P×T)
T [Time] = (SI×100)/(P×R)

S.I. = Simple Interest
P = Principal or Sum of amount
R = % Rate per annum
T = Time Span

Standard Deviation

Hard and confusing calculations for many students, but the truth is it is a very simple calculation.

Formula Used :

[Image: sd%2Bformula.jpg]

Thank you for the Formulae. Though it is better known to everybody

Texas Instruments BAII Plus, best one as compare with other.

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