09-06-2021, 05:53 PM
Download question paper and answer key of Higher Secondary First Year Model exam 2021
Sample questions from the CS Model exam question paper
1. What is cache memory ?
2. Compare logical errors and syntax errors.
3. Write any two advantages flow chart.
4. List out the literals in C++.
5. Describe about any two fundamental data types in C++.
6. Compare break and continue statements in C++.
7. Write C++ statement to declare an array to store 10 integer values.
8. Write short note on getline( ).
9. What is the use of write( ) function in C++ ?
10. Write the names of any two character functions
Download complete pdf question paper and answer key from the links below
Plus One Model Examination 2021 Question Paper Computer Science.pdf (Size: 555.84 KB / Downloads: 3,276)
Plus One Model Examination 2021 CS Answer key by ACT Malappuram.pdf (Size: 998.94 KB / Downloads: 3,567)
Sample questions from the CS Model exam question paper
1. What is cache memory ?
2. Compare logical errors and syntax errors.
3. Write any two advantages flow chart.
4. List out the literals in C++.
5. Describe about any two fundamental data types in C++.
6. Compare break and continue statements in C++.
7. Write C++ statement to declare an array to store 10 integer values.
8. Write short note on getline( ).
9. What is the use of write( ) function in C++ ?
10. Write the names of any two character functions
Download complete pdf question paper and answer key from the links below