01-31-2022, 10:52 PM
Download the question paper and answer key of Plus One Improvement exam 2022 of the paper Business Studies, held on 31.01.2022.Â
Sample questions from the paper BS Improvement Paper 2022
1. Write a short note on Prospectus.
2. This source of finance is otherwise known as 'Ploughing back of Profit’ or ‘Self Finance’. Name the source of finance mentioned here. Explain.
3. Small business units in India are facing many problems. Briefly Explain any three such problems.
4. Write any three differences between International business and Domestic business.
5. There are various hindrances in the exchange process of goods and services. Briefly explain the hindrances and removing activities.
6. Match   the following:  Â
(a)   Sole proprietorship   - Artificial person
(b)   Joint stock company - One man one vote
©Â   Co-operative society  - Mutual agency
(d)   Partnership         -  Controlled by a single person
7. Describe Government Company. Give two examples.Â
8. What are the important functions of Commercial Banks ?
For the complete question paper and complete solutions , download the files below.
Answer Key is Prepared by: Ajith Kanthi ,SKMJ HSS KALPETTA, WAYANAD
Ph: 9446162771
Kerala Plus One Improvement exam 2022- Business Studies Question Paper.pdf (Size: 1.08 MB / Downloads: 5,058)
Kerala Plus One Improvement exam 2022- Business Studies Answer Key by Ajith Kanthi Sir.pdf (Size: 719.62 KB / Downloads: 3,203)
Sample questions from the paper BS Improvement Paper 2022
1. Write a short note on Prospectus.
2. This source of finance is otherwise known as 'Ploughing back of Profit’ or ‘Self Finance’. Name the source of finance mentioned here. Explain.
3. Small business units in India are facing many problems. Briefly Explain any three such problems.
4. Write any three differences between International business and Domestic business.
5. There are various hindrances in the exchange process of goods and services. Briefly explain the hindrances and removing activities.
6. Match   the following:  Â
(a)   Sole proprietorship   - Artificial person
(b)   Joint stock company - One man one vote
©Â   Co-operative society  - Mutual agency
(d)   Partnership         -  Controlled by a single person
7. Describe Government Company. Give two examples.Â
8. What are the important functions of Commercial Banks ?
For the complete question paper and complete solutions , download the files below.
Answer Key is Prepared by: Ajith Kanthi ,SKMJ HSS KALPETTA, WAYANAD
Ph: 9446162771