05-05-2022, 05:07 PM
Question paper and answer key of Kerala DHSE plus one Computer Science FY 430
Improvement examination 2022 held in the month of January 2022.
Some Sample Questions from the paper
1. What are CPU Registers ? Give one example.
2. What is e-waste ? Name any one e-waste disposal method.
3. What is a language processor ?
4. What is utility software ? Give one example.
5. What is algorithm ?
6. What do you mean by internal documentation ?
7. Define the term ‘keyword’.
8. What are the fundamental datatypes in C++ ?
9. Write the names of any two entry controlled loops available in C++.
10. Write the initialization statement for an array with values 89, 75, 92, 65.
Complete Question paper and key can be downloaded in PDF format from the links given below.
Plus One Improvement Exam 2021-22 Question Paper-Computer Science.pdf (Size: 566.67 KB / Downloads: 1,613)
Plus One Improvement Exam 2021-22 Official Answer Key-Computer Science.pdf (Size: 1.55 MB / Downloads: 1,248)
Improvement examination 2022 held in the month of January 2022.
Some Sample Questions from the paper
1. What are CPU Registers ? Give one example.
2. What is e-waste ? Name any one e-waste disposal method.
3. What is a language processor ?
4. What is utility software ? Give one example.
5. What is algorithm ?
6. What do you mean by internal documentation ?
7. Define the term ‘keyword’.
8. What are the fundamental datatypes in C++ ?
9. Write the names of any two entry controlled loops available in C++.
10. Write the initialization statement for an array with values 89, 75, 92, 65.
Complete Question paper and key can be downloaded in PDF format from the links given below.
Plus One Improvement Exam 2021-22 Question Paper-Computer Science.pdf (Size: 566.67 KB / Downloads: 1,613)
Plus One Improvement Exam 2021-22 Official Answer Key-Computer Science.pdf (Size: 1.55 MB / Downloads: 1,248)