03-17-2024, 04:25 PM
Business Studies Question paper and answer key of Kerala DHSE plus one Board examination, March 2024.
Official Answer key attached
Some sample questions are:
1. Find the odd one.
(a) Capital clause (c ) Declaration clause
(b) Liability clause (d) Object clause
2. Name the following with reference to a Joint Stock Company
(a) The official signature of a Joint Stock Company.
(b) The chief managing body elected by the shareholders.
3. Classify the following items as Owners’ funds and Borrowed funds
* Equity shares
* Lease financing
* Debentures
* Public deposits
* Commercial papers
* Retained earnings
4. Small business units in our country face many problems. Analyze any five of such problems.
5. Explain any four services each rendered by wholesalers to manufacturers as well as to the retailers.
View complete question paper and answer key in PDF format from the links given below.
Kerala Plus One Final exam March 2024 Business Studies Question paper EM.pdf (Size: 606.15 KB / Downloads: 3,000)
Kerala Plus One Board Exam 2024 Business Studies (FY-448) Official Answer Key.pdf (Size: 965.03 KB / Downloads: 1,494)
Official Answer key attached
Some sample questions are:
1. Find the odd one.
(a) Capital clause (c ) Declaration clause
(b) Liability clause (d) Object clause
2. Name the following with reference to a Joint Stock Company
(a) The official signature of a Joint Stock Company.
(b) The chief managing body elected by the shareholders.
3. Classify the following items as Owners’ funds and Borrowed funds
* Equity shares
* Lease financing
* Debentures
* Public deposits
* Commercial papers
* Retained earnings
4. Small business units in our country face many problems. Analyze any five of such problems.
5. Explain any four services each rendered by wholesalers to manufacturers as well as to the retailers.
View complete question paper and answer key in PDF format from the links given below.