06-13-2024, 10:51 AM
Biology Question paper and answer keys of Kerala DHSE plus one Board examination, March 2024 can be had from the attachments below.
1. Which class of algae is commonly known as Brown algae ?
2. Which of these cell organelles is not covered by a membrane ?
(a) Golgi bodies (b) Endoplasmic reticulum
© Ribosomes (d) Vacuoles
3. Write brief notes about
(a) Thermoacidophiles
(b) Halophiles
4. (a) Which plants arc known as naked seeded plants ?
(b) Why?
5. The functional unit of a muscle contraction is called----------
6. Erythro poictin, a peptide hormone produced by -------------
7. When substrate concentration increases, the velocity of enzymatic reaction rises at first. After attaining maximum velocity, it is not exceeded by any further rise in concentration of the substrate. Why ?
8. "The functioning of the kidneys is effectively monitored and regulated by hormonal feedback mechanism involving the hypothalamus, JGA and to a certain extent heart.” Explain the role of JGA in the regulation of kidney function.
View complete question paper and answer key in PDF format from the links given below.
Kerala Plus One Final exam March 2024 Biology Question paper EM.pdf (Size: 3.4 MB / Downloads: 5,123)
Kerala Plus One Board Exam 2024 Botany (FY-426) Official Answer Key.pdf (Size: 697.87 KB / Downloads: 2,282)
Kerala Plus One Board Exam 2024 Zoology (FY-426) Official Answer Key.pdf (Size: 1.16 MB / Downloads: 2,095)
1. Which class of algae is commonly known as Brown algae ?
2. Which of these cell organelles is not covered by a membrane ?
(a) Golgi bodies (b) Endoplasmic reticulum
© Ribosomes (d) Vacuoles
3. Write brief notes about
(a) Thermoacidophiles
(b) Halophiles
4. (a) Which plants arc known as naked seeded plants ?
(b) Why?
5. The functional unit of a muscle contraction is called----------
6. Erythro poictin, a peptide hormone produced by -------------
7. When substrate concentration increases, the velocity of enzymatic reaction rises at first. After attaining maximum velocity, it is not exceeded by any further rise in concentration of the substrate. Why ?
8. "The functioning of the kidneys is effectively monitored and regulated by hormonal feedback mechanism involving the hypothalamus, JGA and to a certain extent heart.” Explain the role of JGA in the regulation of kidney function.
View complete question paper and answer key in PDF format from the links given below.