12-10-2024, 11:37 AM
Download previous year COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS question paper of ICSE class 10 Board Exam 2024. Download the paper in PDF format from the link below.
Some sample questions from the question paper are:
1. Which stage of marketing is characterised by hard selling?
(a) Production oriented stage
(b) Product oriented stage
( c) Sales oriented stage
(d) Societal marketing stage
2. Identify which of this is NOT the advantage of Advertising to the consumers:
(a) Advertisement creates a direct link between the Producer and Consumer
(b) It provides educational value
( c) It reduces the possibility of cheating of consumers
(d) It helps to meet the competition in the market
3. Justify the following:
(a) Every transaction is recorded in at least three accounts.
(b) Human resource management is only action oriented rather than being people oriented.
( c) Selection is a positive process.
4. Discuss any Jive reasons as to why Advertisements are criticised.
“Packaging is a silent salesman.” Give Jive reasons to justify.
Explain need and the importance of Training.
Click on the below link for detailed question paper
ICSE 10th Board Exam Question Paper 2024 Commercial Applications.pdf (Size: 231.56 KB / Downloads: 10)
Some sample questions from the question paper are:
1. Which stage of marketing is characterised by hard selling?
(a) Production oriented stage
(b) Product oriented stage
( c) Sales oriented stage
(d) Societal marketing stage
2. Identify which of this is NOT the advantage of Advertising to the consumers:
(a) Advertisement creates a direct link between the Producer and Consumer
(b) It provides educational value
( c) It reduces the possibility of cheating of consumers
(d) It helps to meet the competition in the market
3. Justify the following:
(a) Every transaction is recorded in at least three accounts.
(b) Human resource management is only action oriented rather than being people oriented.
( c) Selection is a positive process.
4. Discuss any Jive reasons as to why Advertisements are criticised.
“Packaging is a silent salesman.” Give Jive reasons to justify.
Explain need and the importance of Training.
Click on the below link for detailed question paper