Class IX

Free Notes and Materials for CBSE STD 9 Maths

Study Notes, Solutions for Problems, Further references and Video Lectures - All Chapters IX Maths

Study materials, notes and solutions for cbse std 9 textbook

We are here to assist the students by providing study materials like Basics, Lecture Notes, Practice Papers, MCQ’s, Reference Material etc. of every chapter of CBSE Class IX Mathematics. They can be referred to understand the mathematical concepts of Class IX thus resulting in a good percentage for the examination. It is of great importance as the basics and syllabus of class 9 is very crucial for the Class X board examination.

Mathematics being considered as one of the most important subject requires a lot of practice, dedication and reference to many study materials.  By referring different sources of study material, the students can get a clear idea of the chapter and also can understand many tricks to solve the sums in an easier effective manner.

Students failing to understand the concepts of class 9 may face lots of difficulties in class 10 and also in their upcoming entrance examinations in future.

Video links for each and every chapter of Class IX Mathematics are also provided to give the students a visual understanding on the topics covered.

Study Material of CBSE Class IX Mathematics:

The Pdf format of the study materials can be downloaded for free from the links provided below. The candidates preparing for entrance examinations can also refer these topics to brush up their basics in Mathematics. 

Chapter No. Chapter Name and Materials Download Link
1 Number Systems
2 Polynomials
3 Coordinate Geometry
4 Linear Equations In Two Variables
5 Introduction to Euclid Geometry
6 Lines And Angles
7 Triangles
8 Quadrilaterals
9 Areas Of Parallelograms And Triangles
10 Circles
11 Constructions
12 Heron’s Formula
13 Surface Areas And Volumes
14 Statistics
15 Probability


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