IBPS Question papers

Guess Paper for IBPS Clerk Prelims 2017

IBPS Clerk Prelims 2017 Guess paper

An expected Guess Paper for IBPS Clerk Prelims and key for CWE  Clerks – VII examination conducted by IBPS to recruit clerical cadre candidates to its participating banks.

The question paper is expected to be challenging as the number of applicants for the examination almost reached 2 million. We are presenting you a guess paper with the expected pattern and weightage of various topics for IBPS Clerk Preliminary exam 2017

IBPS Clerk Prelims Pattern 2017
The IBPS clerk pattern remains unchanged for this year. It contains 3 sections with the mark/ question distribution as under

No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
English Language 30 30 Total 1 Hour
Numerical Ability 35 35
Reasoning Ability 35 35
Total 100 100

Guess paper for IBPS Clerk Prelims 2017 -Expected Weightage of topics in Each Subject

Looking for previous year question papers for IBPS Clerk ?

Visit All previous year papers of IBPS Clerk exam from year 2011 with answer key

A detailed research on the previous year question papers helped us to derive an expected pattern and weightage of various topics in each subject of the examination. A graphical representation will help you to get more idea about the expected question paper pattern

Expected pattern and Weightage of  Numerical Ability

  • IBPS Clerk Prelims 2017 Numerical Ability Expected pattern


Expected Pattern and Weightage of Reasoning Ability

IBPS Clerk Prelmins 2017 Expected Pattern Reasoning

Expected Pattern and Weightage of English Language


Guess Paper for IBPS Clerk Prelims 2017

The paper we prepared as the expected question paper for IBPS Clerk Prelims 2017 follows the same pattern, subject weightage and difficulty level for the real examination. So practicing with the guess paper will help you to get real life exam practice which will help you to improve your confidence level and to practice time management techniques.

Download the expected question paper from the link below


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