Admission Notifications

How to claim EWS reservation for Kerala plus one admission 2024

In HSCAP 2024, 10% of the total seats in government higher secondary schools are reserved for EWS and candidates eligible under EWS category can apply for it.

Only general category candidates with annual family income of Rs 4 lakh or below can apply.

AAY and PPH Ration cardholders

Ration card holders belonging to Anthyodaya Annayojana (AAY)/Priority House Holds (PHH) categories are eligible irrespective of other criteria. For this, the certificate issued by the Village Officer (Annexure 1) should be produced. Also Annexure 3 showing the annual income should also be submitted.

Non AAY/PHH Ration cardholders

Those who do not have a ration card belonging to the categories should produce the Income & Assets Certificate (Annexure 1) issued by the Village Officer. Annual income should be recorded.

EWS reservation eligible candidates can submit single window application online only after receiving Annexure 1/Annexure 3 issued by Village Officer.

Annexure documents can be downloaded from below.

Annexure 1- Income and Asset Certificate

Annexure 3: Certificate produced by AAY and PPH Holders

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