IBPS conducted the second session IBPS clerk preliminary examination 2017 on 3rd December 2017 in 4 shifts.
Today was the second day of the IBPS clerk CWE 7 series of exams conducted recruit clerks In IBPS participating banks
The analysis of today’s examination is given below
English language section
As yesterday the English language section had a change over the past pattern of question papers reading comprehension part was based on stories in all the four shifts. There were no questions related to the vocabulary in reading comprehension section also the error detection questions were came in a new pattern- the candidates have to find the part of the sentence which does not contain any error.
Overall this part of the examination was difficult for most of the candidates
Numerical Ability Section
The numerical ability part of the question paper was of easy to moderate difficulty level for all the candidates. There was a considerable increase in arithmetic word problems – almost one third of the total questions contain this type of questions.
Reasoning Ability Section
In reasoning part, Â almost three sets puzzles in all four shifts of examination. Most of the candidates found this part was quite easy
Now: Prepare for the IBPS Clerk Mains Exam 2018 with the followingÂ
IBPS Clerk mains exam 2016 solved paper
All Previous year papers of IBPS Clerk Mains exam
Free Mock tests for IBPS Clerk Mains
Free study Materials for IBPS Clerk Mains
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Please share the complete question paper of ibps clerk exam 2018
Soon you can expect the complete question paper… stay tuned
Very useful for exam preparation for next week. can you give any examples for the new pattern error detection question?