IBPS Question papers

IBPS Clerk Prelims 10.12.2017 Question paper Analysis and Review

Graphical Weightage Analysis of topics of the IBPS Clerk Prelims 10th December Exam All slots

The third  day of IBPS clerk preliminary examination CWE VII was held on  10th December 2017. Analysis of today’s question paper is given graphically below. 

You can  find the detailed section by section review of IBPS Clerk Pre Exam question paper 10-11-2017  from the images below. This will help you to get a good idea of the standard and difficulty of the paper

IBPS Clerk Prelims 10.12.2017 English language Section Analysis

The English language section of IBPS CWE VII was equally difficult and challenging as the previous sessions of the examinations held on 2nd and 9th of December 2017. New patterns of questions were introduced in idiom and phrases,  the candidate have to choose idioms with the same meaning in the given answers. In sentence rearrangement candidates have to rearrange  parts of sentences to make it a meaningful one.

IBPS Clerk Prelims 10-12-17 English Language Analysis

IBPS Clerk Prelims 10.12.2017 Numerical ability Section Analysis

The numerical ability section was easy for many of the candidates the only difference from  the previous versions of examination was the Arithmetic word problems were high in number.  About 12 out of the 35 questions were came from this section.

IBPS Clerk Prelims 10-12-17 Numerical Ability Analysis

IBPS Clerk Prelims 10.12.2017 Reasoning ability Section Analysis 

Three sets of puzzles were came in all the slots of today’s exam and most of the candidates found this section was of easy to moderate difficulty

IBPS Clerk Prelims 10-12-17 Reasoning Ability Analysis

Overall good attempt score of IBPS Clerk Prelims 10.12.2017 session exam

Subject Good Attempt
English Language 15-17
Reasoning Ability 28-30
Numerical Ability 24-26
Total 78-80


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