IBPS Question papers

4 Model question papers for IBPS Clerk Preliminary exam 2018

Practice for the IBPS clerk exam with these model papers in the latest exam pattern

IBPS is going to conduct the Preliminary Section of clerical grade examination (IBPS Clerk CWE) in the month of December 2017. We hope all the candidates are in the last stage of the exam preparation,  here we are presenting you IBPS Clerk Prelims model question papers in the latest pattern and syllabus prescribed for the IBPS Clerical Examination 2017.

The Advantages of practicing with the IBPS Clerk Prelims model question papers


  • This model question papers will help you to analyse the preparation level and to find out your weak areas that need to be addressed before the real examination.
  • Practicing with this IBPS Clerk Model question papers sets will help you to practice time management which is very critical for success of examination
  • The practicing session with this question papers will help you to find out the difficulty level of each section
  • It will also help you to familiarize the pattern of questions and prepare accordingly for the best results
  • You get a good idea about the time required to finish each section of the paper.


The 3 sections of questions available for IBPS Clerk Prelims are

No. of
Max. Marks Duration
30 30 Total
1 Hour
for all
35 35
35 35
Total 100 100


Sample questions from IBPS IBPS Clerk Prelims model question papers

In each question below, four words printed are given. These are indicated as (1), (2),(3) and (4). One of these words printed

may either be wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word that is inappropriate or wrongly spelt, if any. The number of that word is your answer. If all the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and appropriate in the context of the sentence then mark (5) i.e. All correct’, as your answer.

1. All the competitors/(1) completed /(2) the race/(3) with just one excepsion./(4) All correct (5)

2. Poor posture/(1) can lead/(2) to muscular/(3) problems/(4) in later life. All correct (5)

3. The pump/(1) shut off/(2) as a result/(3) of a mechanikal/(4) failure. All correct (5)

4. The Principal/(1) gave a very pompous/(2) speach/(3) about ‘The portals of learning’./(4)All correct (5)

5. Copeing/(1) with her mother’s long illness/(2) was a heavy load/(3) to bear./(4) All correct (5)

Directions  : What should come in the place of question marks (?)  the following questions ?

6. 4376 + 3209 – 1784 +97 = 3125+?

(1) 2713

(2) 2743

(3) 2773

(4) 2793

(5) 2737

7. 85% of 420 + ? % of 1080 = 735

(1) 25

(2) 30

(3) 35

(4) 40

(5) 45

8. 7/3 of 5/4 of 3024 = ?

(1) 8920

(2) 8940

(3) 8960

(4) 8820

(5) 8640

9. 30% of 1225 – 64% of 555 = ?

(1) 10.7

(2) 12.3

(3) 13.4

(4) 17.5

(5) None of these

10. The difference between 4/5 of a number and 45% of the number is 56. What is 65% of the number ?

(1) 96

(2) 104

(3) 112

(4) 120

(5) None of these



The rest of the question and answer keys are available for download at the link below. A total of 4 question papers are available for you to download and use as practice paper for IBPS Clerk Prelims examination


IBPS Clerk Prelims Model question papers in latest pattern



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