IBPS Question papers

12 sets of IBPS Clerk Previous question papers 2011-2017

IBPS Clerk Previous question papers

12 sets of IBPS Clerk Previous question papers with answer keys for  IBPS clerk examination to recruit clerical cadre staff in its  its participating banks.  The Exam is conducted by IBPS- Institute of Banking and Personnel Selection. The Preliminary session of the Common Written Examination (CWE) is expected to begin in the month of December 2017.  This is the 7th session of the IBPS Clerk CWE is going to be held in this year. You can get all the last 6 session examination question papers and answer keys from the links below. 

IBPS Clerk Mains Exam 2017- Question Paper and Key

The IBPS Clerk CWE VI session was held on 21.01.2017, The paper contained questions in the following pattern

Sl.No Name of Tests No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
1 General/Financial Awareness 50 50 35 minutes
2 General English 40 40 35 minutes
3 Reasoning and Computer Aptitude 50 60 45 minutes
4 Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 45 minutes
                      Total 190 200 160 minutes

Question Samples from The IBPS Clerk Mains Exam 2017- English Language Section

1. Demand and supply do not ______ the same relationship as the one that is ______ between height and weight
(1) possess. has
(2) Incur. Is
(3) defend, volunteers
(4) bear, borne
(5) have, exists

2. A good management will decide not only the______ for equipment but also Its______ for deciding priorities. (1) need. urgency
(2) usefulness. utility
(3) cost. value
(4) requirement, necessities
(5) technology, methodology

3. If the system ______ to yield the desired result, try to______ the whole procedure in the given sequence.
(1) entitles, dump
(2) ignores, reproduce
(3) fails. reoperate
(4) imitates, generate
(5) equips, encompass

4. Unpredictable ______ of the child could not lead the consultants to any______
(1) performance, setting
(2) belief. Judgement
(3) operation. purpose
(4) behaviour, conclusion
(5) react, decision

5. One of the TV cameramen was______ in the leg by a bullet when he was ______ in the middle of a gun light between two gangs.
(I) hurt, entered
(2) shot, caught
(3) injured, came
(4) stabbed, trapped
(5) beaten, engulfed

Download the complete question paper and answer key of IBPS Clerk Mains 2017

IBPS Clerk Previous question paper 2016

The Clerk CWE VI Preliminary exam was held on various dates in the month of November/ December 2016 in the following pattern

Serial No. Sections No. of Questions Total Marks Duration
1. English Language 30 30 Composite time of 1 hour
2. Numerical Ability 35 35
3. Reasoning 35 35
Total 100 100


Sample questions from the IBPS Clerk CWE VI paper Numerical Ability Section

Directions :What will come in place of question mark (?) in the given number series ?
1. 5  9  25  89  ?  1369
(1) 343 (2) 355 (3)349 (4) 341(5) 345

2. 6  17  50  149  ?  1337
(1) 454 (2) 446 (3)442 (4) 452 (5)432

3. 61  62  54  81  17   ?
(1)142 (2) 145 (3)138 (4) 144 (5)140

4. 6  11  18  29  46   ?
(1)60 (2) 75 (3)69 (4) 71 (5) 79

5. 26  13   13   19.5   ?   97.5
(1)39 (2) 45 (3)48 (4) 41 (5)35

Download IBPS clerk question paper 2016 with answers pdf- Preliminary exam

IBPS Clerk Preliminary Exam Question Paper and Key 2016- Hindi Language


IBPS Clerk Prelims paper 2015

The 2015 session of the examination was held on Dec 05, Dec 06, Dec 12 and Dec 13, 2015

Excerpts of questions from the question paper of the Reasoning Ability Section

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

P is the father of D. D is the only son of T. T is the daughter of J. T is the mother o f G. G is the sister of V.

1 . If J is married to B, then how is B related to D?
1) Daughter-in-law 2) Son-in-law 3) Father 4) Mother 5) Cannot be determined

2. How is V related to P?
1) Daughter 2) Father 3) Mother 4) Cannot be determined 5) Son

3. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word TIMELY each of which has as many letters between them in the word (in both forward and backward directions) as they have between them in the English alphabetical series?
1) Two 2) None 3) Three 4) One 5) More than three

4. If all the numbers in 86312749 are arranged in ascending order from left to right, the positions of how many numbers will remain unchanged?
1) Three 2) One 3) Two 4) More than three 5) None

Download  IBPS clerk prelims question paper 2015 with answers 2015 05.12.2015/ 6.12.2015 First Sitting/ Second Sitting


IBPS Clerk exam 2014 ( CWE IV ) solved question paper

Until CWE IV in 2014 IBPS conducted a single examination for the recruitment of clerical grade  candidates.  The examination followed the pattern of IBPS clerk mains exam conducting nowadays

1.Which film was selected as India’s official entry for Oscar Award 2012?
(1) Liar’s Dice (2) The Road (3) The Lunchbox (4) Talash (5) Run Milkha Run

2. Under the National Gramin Awas Mission, housing will be provided to all by
(1) 2019 (2) 2020 (3) 2022 (4) 2025 (5) 2028

3. When a customer deposits cheque to bank, the bank is a
(1) Drawer (2) Agent (3) Principal (4) Drawee (5) Bailee

4. Satya Nadella was in recent news. He is the CEO of which organization?
(1) Tata Sons (2) Infosys (3) Microsoft (4) Citibank (5) Pepsi

5. What is the full form of MOM?
(1) Money Order Mail (2) Mars Orbiter Mission (3) Man of Moment (4) Mark of Mumbai (5) None of these

6. UNESCO headquarters is located in
(1) Brussels (2) Montreal (3) Paris (4) London (5) Washington D.C.

IBPS clerk prelims previous year question paper pdf of IBPS Clerk CWE 2014


IBPS Clerk Exam Previous paper 2013

2 Set of IBPS Clerk Previous question papers and Keys are available of exams held on 08-12-2013 and 14-12-2013

Sample questions from the Banking Awareness Section of the paper

1. A Bank’s fixed deposit is also referred to as a
1) Term Deposit 2) Savings Bank Deposit 3) Current Deposit 4) Demand Deposit 5) Home Saving Deposit

2. To improve access of the poor to banking, Reserve Bank of India has advised banks to open branches with minimum infrastructure supporting upto 8 to 10 business correspondents (BCs) at a reasonable distance of 2 – 3 kms. Such branches are known as
1) Nodal Branches 2) Mini Branches 3) Micro Braches 4) Ultra Small Branches 5) Satellite Branches

3. As per Census 2011, which of the following Indian states has the lowest population density?
1) Nagaland 2) Manipur 3) Arunachal Pradesh 4) Himachal Pradesh 5) Meghalaya

4. Which of the following statements regarding the ‘Direct Benefits Scheme (DBT)’ of the Government of India is not correct?|
1) The scheme does not cover LPG subsidies, pension payments and scholarships
2) Indirect transfer of benefits are more prone to leakage than direct transfer
3) Under DBT, money is directly transferred into bank accounts of beneficiaries
4) The scheme was launched on 1 st January 2013 to cover 20 districts initially.
5) The scheme is likely to increase the subsidy bill of the Government.

5. World Food Day is celebrated every year around the world on
1) 4th July 2) 16th October 3) 12th August 4) 18th May 5) None of these

Download IBPS Clerk CWE 2013 Question paper and key


IBPS Clerk Previous question papers 2012 solved

2 Set Question papers and Keys are available of exams held on 14-12-2012 and 15-12-2012

Excerpts of Question paper from Computer Awareness Section

1. To access a website or web content from a web server. the client sends a(n) 
(1) information (2) Message (3) Request (4) Response (5) Interrupt

2 . An http request contains parts
(1) 2 (2) 5 (3) 3 4 (4) 4 (5) 1

3. Through  an administrator or another user can access someone else’s computer remotely
(1) Administrator (2) Web server (3) Web application (4) HTTP (5) Telnet

4. Telnet is a _____based computer protocol
(1) Sound (2) Text (3) Image (4) Animation (5) Digits

5. To allow someone else schedule your meetings and appointments  feature of Outlook is used (1) Monthly calendar (2) Event manager (3) Appointments (4) Delegate Access (5) None of these

6. P2P is a   application architecture
(1) Client/ server (2) Distributed (3) Centralized (4) 1-tier (5) None of these

Check the page to download 2 sets IBPS Clerk solved paper 2012


IBPS Clerk Previous question papers 2011 with Key

IBPS Clerk Previous question papers 2011 are available from 3 sessions of exams held on 27-11-2011, 4-12-2011 and 11-12-2011

Excerpts of the paper from Numerical Ability Section

Directions: What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following questions? (Note :You are not expected to calculate the exact value.)

1. 117. 16.003 x 27.998 – 209.010 = ?
(1) 150 (2) 200 (3) 75 (4) 240 (5)

2. 840.0003 + 23.999 = ?
(1) 47 (2) 8 (3) 35 (4) 18 (5) 23

3. 6885.009 – 419.999 – 94.989 =?
(1) 6650 (2) 6830 (3) 6370 (4) 6200 (5) 6450

4. (6.5)² = ?
(1) 58 (2) 25 (3) 43 (4) 35 (5) 50

5. 11111 + 111 + 11 = ?
(1) 9 (2) 20 (3) 5 (4) 2 (5) 25

Download IBPS Clerk Previous papers 2011 session


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