
ICHR Senior Academic/ Post Doctoral Fellowship 2018 notification


Indian Council Of Historical Research (ICHR), invites applications for Senior Academic Fellowships (SAF) and Post- Doctoral Fellowship (PDF)- 10 nos. each for 2018-2019.

Eligibility for PDF:

Scholars who have shown significant competence in research work, having been awarded their PhD or have done equivalent research work of merit in History or its allied subjects, and desire to work on approved research themes at recognized Institutions of Research or Universities under the guidance of a senior scholar. The applicants for the Fellowship should be affiliated with a University or a research institute of repute.

Eligibility for SAF:

Senior Fellowships are awarded to senior scholars who have done quality work and have publications in the form of books and papers in professional journals related to history to their credit.

Selection Procedure for PDF/SAF:

On the basis of the experts’ assessment (if recommended), selected candidates shall be required to make a presentation for half an hour on the proposed subject of research.

The award of the Fellowship will be decided by a Committee of specialists, on the basis of the experts’ evaluation of the proposal andthe presentation made by the candidate.

Application form can be downloaded from here

A detailed synopsis (Five copies) on the proposed research topic should be submitted (both soft copy & hard copy) along with the application and requisite documents/ certificates for PDF

The applicant should attach self attested copies of the certificates of educational

qualifications, date of birth, research experience and signed copy of check list etc., and to be sentby post to the following address for PDF:

Member Secretary

IndianCouncil of Historical Research

No. 35, Ferozeshah Road,New Delhi –110001.

And also, soft copy /electronic copy should be sentthrough email (pdfjrf@ichr.ac.in)(Both SAF and PDF)

Application deadline: 13.03.2018

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