The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CICSE) has cancelled some papers of the 10th Board examinations of the year 2020 based on a Supreme Court Order on the wake of coronavirus outbreak. Later the Council has issued the revised assessment scheme for the evaluation of the remaining papers of ICSE 10th exam which were cancelled after the Supreme Court’s order.
The revised assesment scheme was based on the Average of a student’s Best three papers marks in board examination, Subject internal assessment and Percentage Subject Internal Assessment.
Previously the ICSE examination was scheduled to start from February 27, 2020 and end on March 30, 2020, then it was rescheduled to the month of July 2020. But the coronavirus spread had prevented that session also, later the Supreme Court ordered to cancel the exams of the remaining papers.
ICSE STD X Previous Question Papers 2020
Though many of the papers are cancelled, the question papers are still relevant to prepare for the upcoming STD 10 Board examination. The board has reduced the portions for the 2021 session of examination (Click here for the reduced syllabus). Preparing with the 2020 question papers will be very useful for all those preparing for the upcoming session of ICSE Board exams. Download the question papers from the link given below.
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