ICSE Question Papers

ICSE STD 10 Board Exam 2022-English Language Solved Question Paper

ICSE 2022 solved paper english language

Download previous year question paper and solutions of ICSE 10th Second semester exam of English Language paper held on 25th April 2022. This question paper and solutions will be highly useful for those preparing for the upcoming ICSE Board examinations.

New : Last 15 year solved question papers of ICSE Class 10

CBSE 10th Second Semester exam 2022

Maximum Marks: 40
Time allowed: One and a half hours
Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 10 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers
Attempt all questions.
The marks intended for questions are given in brackets [ ]

Question 1.

Write a composition (300-350 words) on any one of the following : [20]

(i)               If you were granted a special wish what would you choose? Say why you would make this choice and how it will be useful to you and your loved ones.

(ii)              Write a short story in which the main characters are an old woman, a small child and a little puppy.

(iii)             “More learning happens outside the classroom than inside it.”

(iv)             Describe a time when all the lights in your locality went off. What were the sounds you heard as you sat in the darkness? How did you feel when the lights came on?

(v)              Study the picture given below. Write a short story or description or an account of what the picture suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it.

Question 2.

Select one of the following:                                                                                                                                                         [ 10)

(i)               Your favourite aunt/ uncle has asked you what you would like as a gift for your birthday. What gift would you choose (Specify) and why would you choose this? Write a letter to your aunt/uncle thanking her/him for the kind thought and telling her/ him about the gift of your choice.

(ii)              You are being considered for a Head boy/ Head girl position in the school. Write a letter to the principal explaining why you think you would make a good Head boy/ Head girl. Why does the role interest you? Describe ways in which you would earn it your responsibilities.

Question 3.

(i)               March 22nd is World Water Day. The school Dramatics Club is planning to stage a One-Act Play to mark the occasion and create awareness. Write a notice to be put up on the school notice board, giving details of the event.                  [5] (ii)              Write an e-mail to the Principal of a neighbouring school requesting him/her to send a team of children to participate in the interactive session which will follow the play.

Download complete question paper and solutions for English language paper from the link below

ICSE 10th Second Semester Board Exam 2022- English Language question paper PDF & Solutions

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