Admission Notifications

IIT Gandhinagar MA/ MSc admissions 2018

IITGN MA/ MSc admissions 2018

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Gandhinagar, invites applications for admissions to its MA (Society and Culture) and Msc (Cognitive Science) for 2018 session.

Eligibility for MSc at IIT Gandhinagar

Students who have a Bachelor’s degree (e.g. B.A., B.Sc., B.Tech, BCom, MBBS) in any discipline with a minimum of 55% (5.5 CGPA for students with letter grades/CGPA) aggregate marks for General/OBC category candidates and at least 50% (5.0 CGPA for students with letter grades/CGPA) aggregate marks for SC, ST and PD category candidates in the qualifying degree, are eligible to apply for admission to the Master’s program in Cognitive Science. Students who would be completing Bachelor’s degree in the academic year 2017-2018 are also eligible to apply.

Eligibility for IIT Gandhinagar MA

The minimum criterion to apply is a bachelor’s degree in any discipline with a minimum of 55% marks (or equivalent CPI/GPA). Please note that meeting the minimum application criterion will not guarantee admission to the program. The students who are awaiting final semester/year results and those who would be completing Bachelor’s degree in the academic year 2017-2018 are also eligible to apply.

Apply online at

Application Deadline: 15/01/2018

For details visit for MA and for MSc

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