Admission Notifications

IIT Patna Phd admissions 2018

IIT Phd admissions 2018

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Patna, invites applications for admissions to the following Phd progrmme for the academic session July 2018 in the following departments.

Chemical & Biochemical Engineering


Civil & Environmental Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Humanities and Social Sciences

Materials Science & Engineering


Mechanical Engineering


Eligibility for IIT Patna Phd

In all the disciplines, the upper age limit is 28 years (B.Tech./B.E./M.Sc./MA/MCA/MBA) and 32 years (M.Tech./M.E./M.S./M.Phil.) to be calculated from the last date for receiving the application form (Printed and Signed version,12.04.2018).

A.1 PhD in Engineering

For admission to the PhD Programme in Engineering Department, a candidate must satisfy one of the following criteria:

A.1.1 Candidates having M.Tech./M.E. degree in a Engineering/Technology, with a minimum CPIof 6.5 or 60% of marks.

A.1.2 Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology in a relevant area with a minimum CPI of 6.5 or 60% of marks.

A.1.3. Master’s degree in Science in a relevant area with a minimum CPI of 6.5 or 60% of marks.

A.2 PhD in Science

For admission to the PhD Programme in Science departments, a candidate must satisfy one of the following criteria:

A.2.1 M. Phil. or Master’s degree in Science in a relevant area with a minimum CPI of 6.5 or 60% of marks.

A.2.2 Master’s degree in Engineering/Technology in a relevant area with a minimum CPI of 6.5 or 60% of marks.

A.2.3 Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology in a relevant area with a minimum CPI of 6.5 or 60% of marks.

A.3 PhD in Humanities and Social Sciences

For admission to the PhD Programme in the department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS), a candidate must satisfy one of the following criteria:

A.3.1 M. Phil. or Master’s degree in Arts/Commerce/Science/Management in a relevant area with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent.

A.3.2 Master’s degree in Engineering/Technology/Designin a relevant area with a minimum CPI of 6.5 or 60% marks.

A.3.3 Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology in a relevant area with a minimum CPI of 6.5 or 60% of marks.

Financial Support

The Institute assistantships will be available to eligible (Indian) students as per prevailing (MHRD, GoI) norms, as applicable from time to time. At present total emoluments are Rs 25,000/-per month.

Apply Online

Application Fee of Rs. 300/- (for Gen/OBC candidates) and Rs.150/- (for ST/SC/PD/Female candidates) must be submitted through online module.

The completed application enclosed with the payment details (e-receipt) for application fee

and attested copies of mark sheets/certificates and with other necessary enclosures (if applicable) should be sent to the The Assistant Registrar (Academics), Indian Institute of Technology Patna, Bihta, Kanpa Road, District -Patna, Bihar, PIN –801106, to reach on or before 12.04.2018.

The words “Application for Ph.D. admission in the Department of _________” should be written on the top of the envelope for sending the completed form.

For details visit here

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