Admission NotificationsEntrance Exams

Karnataka CET 2018 notification

Karnataka CET 2018 for BTech/BE/Bpharm/PharmD/ MBBS/MD admissions

Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA) invites applications from the eligible Karnataka Candidates including the ward/s of Jammu & Kashmiri migrants for conduct of “Common Entrance Test-2018” that leads to admission for the First year or First semester of full time courses for Government share of seats in Engineering, Technology,B. Pharm, 2nd year B. Pharm, Pharm-D courses and Farm Science courses detailed below. in Government / University / Private Aided / Private Un-Aided Professional Educational Institutions in the State of Karnataka for the academic year 2018-19.

The candidates who wish to seek admission to Medical or Dental or AYUSH courses must compulsorily qualify in the NEET – 2018 (National Eligibility CUM Entrance Test) exam conducted by the CBSE Board, New Delhi and for admission to Architecture course candidate should compulsory qualify in NATA (National Aptitude Test in Architecture) conducted by the Council of Architecture or JEE Paper-2 examination to get the eligibility for admission to Medical / Dental / AYUSH / Architecture courses through KEA for Government share of seats.

For details visit here

For details on eligibility visit here

How to apply for Karnataka CET 2018

Enter all the details through ONLINE by browsing URL on website by selecting “CET-2018 UG Online Application”. After completion of entry of all the details candidate’s will receive an application ID and Password to their registered mobile phone number and to email address and also the same information will be displayed on the screen.

Upload the scanned copy of recent passport size Colour Photograph, Signature and Left Hand Thumb Impression in JPG / JPEG format separately.

Print the Challan copy which is in triplicate. In the Challan, the details of the candidate will be pre-printed, such as Name, CET Number. College / Course Alloted details. Fee to be paid. Bank Account Number. Candidates of Karnataka origin have to pay an amount of Rs. 650/- for General and OBC (Rs.500/- for SC / ST Category-1 of Karnataka candidates only). Rs.750/- in case of candidates residing outside the state of Kamataka and Rs.5.000/- in case of candidates residing outside India. The candidates who are residing outside India shall pay the fees in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Executive Director. Karnataka Examinations Authority, payable at Bangalore. the demand draft should be sent to KEA address by mentioning the application number. Take a printout of the application form on A-4 size paper. Obtain Principal seal and signature from the college where you have studied 2nd PUC or 12th Standard on the space provided in the printed form. The same copy should be produced during document verification.

Apply online till 26.02.2018

CET 2018: 18.04.2018 and 19.04.2018

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