Karnataka Board Question Papers

Karnataka SSLC Exam 2020- Model Question collection

A collection of Model papers for Karnataka 10th Board Final Examination

karnataka 10th board exam model papers

Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB) is one of the oldest boards in India which is found in the year 1966. It works under the Ministry Government of the Karnataka State and is responsible for conducting the SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) examination for class 10th of affiliated schools. The Board has Bangalore as its headquarters. The main function of this board is to govern various activities like preparing courses of study, prescribing syllabus, conducting examinations, granting recognition to schools and, providing direction, support and leadership for all secondary educational institutions under its jurisdiction.

Attention StudentsThe Answer Keys of SSLC Exam 2020 will be published here on a daily basis… Check your answer keys here

Karnataka SSLC exams are conducted at state-level and approximately 8.5 lac students appear for the SSLC examination every year. The duration of the examination is 3 hours. It is very common to face stress before examinations. If you are scared and confused, or is feeling too much pressure during exam times, you can download and solve the Karnataka SSLC Model Question Papers for reference. It will help you to be more confident while facing the exams as you will get a better idea about the paper pattern and the marks allotment from the sample papers.

Karnataka SSLC Model Question Papers

Solving these Model Question Papers helps the students to understand the important topics, types of questions repeatedly asked, time management, marking scheme etc. Practice of these Question papers would also improve your speed and efficiency.

1. Karnataka SSLC Model question Papers for All Subjects

2. Karnataka SSLC Solved  Previous Question Papers

Model question Papers- Subjectwise

You can download sample papers of Kar SSLC Exam 2020 for each subject from the links below.

Sl  No.Sample papers subjectwise
1English (1st Language)
2English (2nd Language)
3English (3rd Language)
4Hindi (1st Language)
5Hindi (3rd Language)
6Kannada (1st Language)
7Kannada (2nd  Language)
8Kannada (3rd  Language)
9Arabic (3rd  Language)
10Maths (All Mediums)
11Science (All Mediums)
12Social Science (All Mediums)
131st Language subjects
143rd Language subjects


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