Kerala School Question PapersPlus One

Plus One Focus Area Notes- Important Study Materials for 2021 Exam

SCERT has prioritised some portions for the upcoming Higher Secondary Plus One examination, because Covid-19 restrictions hindered the normal classroom sessions. You can download notes and study materials for the selected focus area portions and which will definitely help your exam preparations. Important area notes are available for all major subjects like Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Accountancy, Business studies, English etc.

Plus One Physics- Focus Area Question Banks and Model Papers

Plus One Focus Area Question Banks for all subjects

Model exam 2021 Answer Keys with Sample papers in new pattern

As +1 model examination is scheduled to begin from August 31st and Main exam from September 6 these materials will help you to quickly revise the portions and update your preparations.

Plus One Board Exam 2021- Revised Timetable

Department of Higher Secondary Examination has released the revised timetable for higher secondary first year exam 2021 revised timetable. As per the latest schedule examinations will be held as shown below.

Sociology, Anthropology, Electronic Service Technology (Old), Electronic Systems
Chemistry, History, Islamic History & Culture, Business Studies, Communicative English
Mathematics, Part III Languages, Sanskrit Sastra, Psychology
Physics, Economics
06/10/2021 WednesdayGeography, Music, Social Work, Geology, Accountancy
Biology, Electronics,Political Science, Sanskrit Sahithya, Computer Application, English Literature
Part I English
Part II Languages, Computer Information Technology (Old), Computer Science and Information Technology
Home Science, Gandhian Studies, Philosophy, Journalism, Computer Science, Statistics

Supreme court allows to conduct plus one online examinations

Today, the Supreme court has allowed the Govt. of Kerala to conduct the plus one examinations in offline mode, dismissing a plea against the conduct of the examinations in physical mode. The court observed the reasons given by the government are convincing and hoped that it will take enough precautions for the safe conduct of the examinations.

The Higher secondary directorate will release the re-scheduled timetable anytime soon.

Focus area Topics for HSE +1 Exam 2021

The curriculum committee has selected some portions as focus areas as several working days have been lost due to the pandemic and the online modes of teaching has its own limitations. This does not mean that the other portions are completely omitted, and some questions are expected from that portions also. But the latest scheme provides the students with questions for double the score and they have the option to choose from the given options. So concentrating your studies on the focus area part will help you to fetch full A+ for all the subjects because the focus area is expected to contribute 70% of the total questions. 

+1 Focus area topics for all subjects

Focus area Notes and study materials 

We are compiling notes and study materials prepared by eminent subject experts for all streams and subjects. These notes and materials will help you to get a better understanding of the selected focus areas. These are specially designed to compensate the loss of study periods and takes care of the prescribed learning outcomes expected after completing the first year of HSE course. You can download the materials for each subject from the links given below.

No.+1 Focus area notes- Subject
8Computer Science
11Business Studies
14Political Science

These sections are constantly updated, so do regularly visit these pages for more updated notes and materials.

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