Plus One

Kerala Plus One Science Complete Notes and Study Materials

A collection of study materials, notes, and video lectures for Kerala +1 PCMB Subjects

Free notes and materials for Kerala Plus One PCMB

The Directorate of Higher Secondary Education or the DHSE was established in 1990 and came into effect by 2000-2001. The Government of Kerala recognized the DHSE for the all-round development in Higher Secondary Education by segregating pre-degree courses from University education. In short, it is the regulatory body of higher secondary schools in Kerala and is responsible for conducting the HSE public examination for plus one and plus two i.e. for class 11 and 12 every year.

Class XI / +1 as we all know, is equally significant for every student as the concepts imparted here is included and is very important for the +2 examination. If you fail to understand the concepts of now, you may face lots of difficulties in future as the basics were not clear.  Students often stress when the examinations are round the corner. By referring the right sources of study material, you would get an awareness of the chapter and can also answer the Question paper in an effective manner. This knowledge would also help the students in their forthcoming education and entrance examinations like NEET, KEAM, JEE etc.  A complete set of Study Notes, Practice Papers, Revision Notes, Reference Material etc. are shared for all the subjects of +1 / Class XI to help you score better in your examination.

Video links for each and every chapter are also provided to give the students a visual understanding of the concept.

Study Material of Kerala +1 – PCMB:

The Pdf format of the study materials can be downloaded for free from the links provided below:


Chapter No. Subjectwise Download Links of Notes and Materials
1 Physics
2 Chemistry
3 Biology
4 Mathematics


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