Plus Two

Kerala Plus Two Biology Notes & Study Materials

Free Materials, Notes and videos to learn Kerala +2 Biology students

Kerala plus two biology notes and materials pdf

The Directorate of Higher Secondary Education or the DHSE was established in 1990 and came in full effect by 2000-2001. The Government of Kerala recognized the DHSE for the all round development in Higher Secondary Education by segregating pre-degree courses from University education and is responsible for conducting the HSE public examination for plus one and plus two i.e. for class 11 and 12 every year.

Biology is an exciting subject where good marks can be attained on understanding the concept clearly. Reference of different study materials helps the student to get a clear idea of the chapter, which results in attending the board examination in a confident manner. This knowledge would also help the students in their forthcoming entrance examinations like KEAM, NEET, CAT, JEE etc. and education in the future.

The study materials like Basics, Lecture Notes, Practice Papers, Reference Material Notes, Revision Notes etc. are shared for all the chapters of +2 Biology. Read and understand the study material, and later test your knowledge be practicing the worksheets provided. Revision Notes are shared for quick reference of important points of the particular chapter just before the examination.

Video links are also provided to give the students a visual understanding on the various chapters of Biology.

In short, this is one-stop destination for support materials related to +2 Biology.

Study Materials of +2 / Class XII Biology:

You can download the Pdf format of the study materials chapter-wise for free from the links provided below:


Chapter No. Chapter Name & Material Download Links
1 Reproduction in Organism
2 Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
3 Human Reproduction
4 Reproductive Health
5 Principles of Inheritance and Variation
6 Molecular Basis of Inheritance
7 Evolution
8 Human Health and Disease
9 Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production
10 Microbes in Human Welfare
11 Biotechnology: Principles and Processes
12 Biotechnology and its Applications
13 Organisms and Populations
14 Ecosystem
15 Biodiversity and Conservation
16 Environmental Issues



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