Plus Two

Kerala Plus Two Free Notes and Materials for Science Stream

Physics, Chemistry, Maths and Biology Study Notes, Solutions for Problems, Further references and Video Lectures for Kerala Higher Secondary XIIth

Free notes and materials for XII Science Kerala

Kerala Plus Two Examination 2021 March is scheduled to begin on 17th March 2021. (See Timetable)In the covid pandemic era, students are struggling a lot to cope up with the assigned portions because the online classes are not that effective as the classroom sessions. The face to face sessions started from the month of January, but that sessions too are facing difficulties because of the social distancing measures taken by institutions to protect the learners from the covid-19 pandemic.

In this period educationobserver has compiled a collection of materials and video classes to help the students to understand the portions better and to face the upcoming examination with confidence. Download the materials from the links given below at the end of this page.

Focus areas for Plus Two examination

To make things easier for students, SCERT has prescribed certain focus areas in each subject. Concentrating on the focus areas, will help you to get good grades in the examination. To get the complete topics mentioned as focus areas visit Plus Two Focus Areas for All Subjects 2021

Plus Two Previous Year Question Papers and Keys

Last 7 Year question papers and answer keys of plus two examination for all subjects can be downloaded from this page Plus Two previous year question papers and keys

All of us are aware that +2 is a crucial year for laying a foundation for further studies. It acts as a stepping stone to the professional courses yet to some. Thus clearing your concepts at this stage is very essential. Scoring good percentage for the +2 Examination requires hard work and smart work i.e. reference to various study materials. The subjects in PCMB requires a lot of practice and alertness of mind.  By referring different sources of study material, the student gets a clear idea of the chapter and also can understand many tricks to answer the questions in an easier effective manner. This knowledge would also help the students in their forthcoming education and entrance examinations like KEAM, NEET, JEE etc.

To start with, it is always advisable to first go through your prescribed NCERT textbook.  But that wouldn’t suffice in this competitive world. It is very important to refer other study materials too along with the textbook. Hence, we are here to provide study materials for Kerala +2 / Class XII PCMB which will help you to understand the subjects better and to score well in the examination.

The study materials like Lecture Notes, Practice Papers, Reference Material etc. are shared for all the important subjects.

Video links are also provided to give the students a visual understanding on the various chapters.

Download Study Material of +2 / Class XII –  PCMB:

You can download the Pdf format of the study materials for free from the links provided below:

Sl No.Download Links Subject-wise


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