You can download a compilation of model and previous year question papers, answer keys, notes, grammar exercises, video lessons, question paper collections, worksheets and other study materials for Kerala STD 10 English Textbook from this page. These materials are prepared by various experts in the subject and teacher associations and education department. All notes and materials are available in pdf format for easy download.
Class X English Chapters and Syllabus
Unit 1- Glimpses of Green
- Adventures in a Banyan Tree (Short Story)
- The Snake and the Mirror (Short Story)
- Lines Written in Early Spring (Poem)
Unit II- The Frames
- Project Tiger (Memoir)
- My Sister’s Shoes (Screenplay)
- Blowin’ In The Wind (Song)
Unit III- Lore of Values
- The Best Investment I Ever Made (Anecdote)
- The Ballad of Father Gilligan (Poem)
- The Danger of a Single Story (Speech)
Unit IV- Flights of Fancy
- The Scholarship Jacket (Short Story)
- Poetry (Poem)
- The Never Never Nest (One-Act Play)
Unit V- Ray of Hope
- Vanka (Short Story)
- Mother to Son (Poem)
- The Castaway (Short Story)
Each unit contains a number of activities for the development of language skills, vocabulary, grammar and mastery over the language. By learning the chapters the learners are expected to acquiring the following skills like
- read individually for information and pleasure, identify and list down poetic devices like imagery, rhyme, rhythm and tone of a poem.
- prepare a critical appreciations, read, comprehend and analyse a text critically
- use vocabulary effectively in appropriate contexts
- construct discourses like review of the story, description, character sketch, narration, informal letter etc
- demonstrate Literal and inferential comprehension of works of non-fiction through participation in discussion and writing activities
- engage in formal writing assignments that require utilisation of all stages of the writing process
- engage critically and constructively in oral exchanges of ideas
- deliver a clear, coherent oral presentation using information and diction suitable for the subject, purpose and audience
- demonstrate understanding of character, conflict and theme of a film by responding in writing or discussion with supporting points and
- compare or contrast written text with its cinematic rendering by responding in writing or through discussion.
Question Paper Collections of SSLC English Paper
Download last 10 year question papers and answer keys of Kerala SSLC English Language from the following page
- Last 10 Year English Previous and Model Papers & Keys of Kerala SSLC Exam
- SSLC English Model papers 2025
- SSLC English Model questions by DIETS
SSLC English Notes, Question Answers, Worksheets and Video Classes
Chapter Name | Notes and Materials Download Link |
Adventures in a Banyan Tree | Download |
Snake and the Mirror | Download |
Lines Written in Early Spring | Download |
Project Tiger | Download |
My Sisters Shoe | Download |
Blowing In The Wind | Download |
The Best Investment I Ever Made | Download |
The Ballad of Father Gilligan | Download |
The Danger of a Single Story | Download |
The Scholarship Jacket | Download |
Poetry | Download |
The Never Never Nest | Download |
Vanka | Download |
Sir,please publish a pdf with all type of format including diary,letter(formal&informal), conversation, write up,narration etc
(It’s for me a god gift)
Please provide Mother to son,The cast away chapters
Focus area notes please provide
not so good
Ar you from sreevenkateshwara high school
Thank you sir.. notes are very useful
not so good
are you sure