
Kerala SSLC Hindi- Notes, Worksheets and Video Lessons

Collection of Notes worksheets and materials for SSLC Hindi

Hindi solved papers Kerala SSLC

This page will provide you with enough videos, worksheets, notes, model question papers and other materials for Kerala STD 10 Hindi textbook. These materials are prepared by various experts in Hindi and published by teacher associations, coaching institutes and government departments.

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The SSLC Textbook for Hindi contains the following chapters

SSLC Hindi Chapters

The learning materials and associated activities envisages the learners will acquire the skills to

  • Read and analyse stories and poems critically.
  • Answer comprehension questions based on the given passage or poem
  • Write scripts based on a story
  • Ability to participate in class discussions and small group conversations.
  • Compose well-structured discourses like narrative, diary entry, description, poster making, paragraph writing.
  • Change the form of sentences

Kerala class 10 Hindi-Model papers

SSLC Hindi  Notes, Question Answers, Worksheets and Video Classes

Download the materials of each chapter from the links given below.

Chapter NameNotes and Materials Download Link
Unit 1-
Chapter 1 बीरबहूटी (कहानी)
Chapter 2 हताशा से एक व्यक्ति बैठ गया था (टिप्पणी)
Chapter 3 टूटा पहिया (कविता)
Chapter 5- आई एम कलाम के बहाने
Chapter 6- सबसे बडा शो मैनDownload
अकाल और उसके बादDownload
ठाकुर का कुआँDownload
बसंत मेरे गाँव काDownload
दिशाहीन दिशाDownload

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