
Kerala SSLC Maths- Model Question Papers, Notes and Worksheets

Maths solved papers Kerala SSLC

You can find notes, study materials, explanation video classes, model questions, online tests etc. for Kerala syllabus standard 10 Maths students. We are compiling resources provided by experts all over Kerala and learners can use these as support materials for their class notes and materials.

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Kerala SSLC Maths Syllabus

SSLC Maths textbook have the following chapters.

  • Arithmetic Sequence
  • Mathematics of Chance
  • Circle
  • Geometry and Algebra
  • Second Degree Equations
  • Statistics
  • Coordinates
  • Polynomials
  • Tangents
  • Solids

Each of the above chapters have many learning objectives like

  • Ratios of sides of triangles with same angles are equal
  • Angles of a triangle determine the ratio of its sides
  • The ratio of the sides of a triangle is the ratio of the sines of the opposite angles
  • using trigonometric measures to calculate some measures of a triangle from other measures
  • The concept of tangent
  • Explaining how distances and heights which cannot be directly measured can be computed using trigonometry.
  •   Making square pyramids of specified dimensions by cutting out squares and isoscelles triangles
  •   Finding the relation between the base edge, lateral edge, height, slant height and base diagonal of square pyramid.
  •   Computing the surface area and volume of a square pyramid using given measurements.
  • Computing the dimensions of sectors needed to make cones of specified dimensions.
  • Explaining the relation between the base radius, height, and slant height of a cone.
  • Explaining the methods to compute surface areas and volumes of cones.
  •   Explaining the methods to compute the surface areas and volumes of spheres and hemispheres.

SSLC Maths textbook is designed in such a way that  the basic lessons in mathematical theory and applications lead to more effective practical applications. The knowledge of mathematics is essential for the effective use of computers. The SSLC Maths textbook addresses this two-way interaction between mathematics and computers at many places in the book with examples of using the dynamical geometry program GeoGebra and the computer language Python.

SSLC Maths Model question Papers

You can download model question papers and answer keys of previous 10 year SSLC examinations from the link given below

SSLC Maths Previous 10 year question papers and solutions

SSLC Maths Model Question collection for 2023

SSLC Maths Question Banks

SSLC Maths Notes, Solutions to problems and Worksheets

 You can download the solutions of problems, class notes, worksheets and explanation video classes of each chapter from the link given below.

Chapter NameNotes and Materials Download Link
Arithmetic SequencesDownload
Mathematics of ChanceDownload
Second Degree EquationsDownload
Geometry and AlgebraDownload

Related Links

SSLC Maths Focus and Question Solutions
Download Class 10 Maths Textbook in reduced size from Here
Daily notes for Maths classes


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