Admission Notifications

KV Admissions 2020- Everything You need to Know

Kendriya Vidyalaya Admission Online Application Guide

KV STD 1 Admission Instructions

Online Registration for Admission to Class I in Kendriya Vidyalayas for the Academic Year 2020-2021 will commence at 10:00 am on 20.07.2020 and will close at 7:00 pm on 07.08.2020. The Admission details can be obtained through website and also through Android Mobile App.

The official Android Mobile App for KVS Online Admission for Class I for the academic year 2020-2021 and instructions for downloading and installing the App will be available at The app will be available
at the above URL and also at the Google Play Store. Parents are requested to go through the instructions for using the portal and mobile app carefully before using them.

Registration for Class II and above will be done from 20.07.2020 and 8:00 am to 25.07.2020 upto 4:00 pm if vacancies exist (in offline mode). For Class XI, Registration forms may be downloaded from Vidyalaya Website as per the schedule for admission 2020-2021 available on KVS(HQ) Website (

Reckoning of age for all Classes shall be as on 31.03.2020. Reservation of seats will be as per KVS Admission Guideline available on the Website (

Under present situation of COVID -19, the directions issued by Competent Authority (Central/State/Local) are to be followed. Accordingly, the parents are requested not to visit Kendriya Vidyalayas physically to avoid gathering. All information regarding Admission, Registration form will be available on Vidyalaya/KVS (HQ) website for download.
Kindly fill the Registration form, Scan it and send it to concerned KV through email only.

Contact Principal/Admission Incharge only when called in the given time slot.

The Admission Schedule for the Session 2020-21

Sl NoContentsScheduled Dates
1Advertisement for admission17/07/2020 (Friday)
2Online Registration for Class-I20/07/2020 (Monday) 10:00 AM onwards
3Last date of Online Registration for Class-I.07/08/2020 (Friday) till 7:00 PM (19 days)
4Declaration of provisional select and waitlist of
registered candidates
1st list on 11/08/2020
2nd list on 24/08/2020
(if seats remain vacant)
3rd list on 26/08/2020
(if seats remain vacant)
5Registration for Class-II onwards (except Class XI)- Subject in offline mode to availability of vacancies in a particular class20/07/2020 to 25/07/2020
6Declaration of list of class II onwards.29/07/2020 at 4:00 PM
7Admission for class II onwards.
30/07/2020 to 07/08/2020

Admission Helpdesks will start functioning from 20.07.2020 onward. to contact admission helpdesk Click Here

Detailed Instructions for Application Submission

General Instructions

  1. Familiarize yourself with the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) admission rules, regulations and guidelines by downloading

2. In order to ensure smooth and quick filling of the application form, please keep the following ready:

  1. a valid mobile number with Indian SIM card,
  2. a valid email address,
  3. a digital photograph or scanned photograph of the child seeking admission (JPEG file of size at most 256KB),
  4. a scan copy of the child’s birth certificate (JPEG or PDF file of size at most 256KB),
  5. details of government certificate in case you are applying under economically weak section,
  6. transfer details of parent/grandparent whose service credentials will be used in the application.

3. There are two necessary steps involved in successfully submitting an application form.

  • Registering on the portal: On successful registration, you will be assigned a unique Login Code.
  • Filling and submitting application: The Login Code obtained after registration must be used to login and fill the online application form. After filling in the application form, it must be submitted by clicking on the Submit Application button. On successful submission, you will be assigned a unique Application Submission Code. Please note down your Application Submission Code and the list of documents to be submitted at the time of admission carefully.

4. The online admission application process includes the following steps.

  • Reading the instructions
  • Registration (sign-up) of first-time user
  • Login (sign-in) to the admission application portal
  • Filling in admission application form and uploading documents
  • Reviewing form, checking declaration and submitting form
  • Acknowledgement of submission

5. Details provided at the time of registration cannot be subsequently changed in the admission form. Please enter these details correctly and exactly as per documentary evidence (like birth certificate) available with them.

6. Once an application form has been submitted and Application Submission Code generated, the submitted application form cannot be edited. If you realize that incorrect information has been submitted in your application, you have the option to cancel your submitted application. After canceling a submitted application, you can re-apply using the same Login Code before the last date of submission of applications. However, this will be treated as a fresh application

7. Only your Application Submission Code (and not your Login Code) must be used for all communication with KVS and with the Vidyalayas you have applied to.

8. The admission application form is divided into 5 sections, each organized and presented under a separate tab. The following are the different section/tab headings:

  • Basic information– Basic information related to the child seeking admission must be filled in this step, like the name of the child, Date of Birth, Category of Admission, Income group, Caste etc.
  • Parents details– The title, full name, nationality, residential address, country, state and city of residence, of at least one parent should be filled in this section
  • Choice of schools– In this tab, upto three (3) choices of Kendriya Vidyalayas, without any preference between them, can be given. Thus, you can apply to upto three different Kendriya Vidyalayas using the same online application form.
  • Upload documents– Scans/images of only two documents, birth certificate and photo of the child seeking admission, must be mandatorily uploaded before submitting the online application form. Only .jpeg or .pdf files can be uploaded. Each file can be maximum of 256 KB in size.
  • Declaration and submit– Before clicking on the Submit button, please carefully scrutinize the information filled in the form by clicking on the Preview button. Please remember that you cannot edit an application once it is submitted. Once you confirm in the dialog box that you really want to submit the form, an OTP will be sent to the registered mobile number of the applicant. On entering the OTP correctly on the portal, an Application Submission Code will be generated and displayed on the screen. It will also be sent by SMS to the registered mobile number. An email with this information will also be sent to the registered email address.
    Once the Application Submission Code is generated, details entered in the online application form will be available to KVS and to the Vidyalayas you have applied to. After this, no changes can be made in your application form. You are therefore strongly advised to click on the Submit Application button only after you have satisfied yourself that all information entered in the online application is correct.
    If after submitting your application form, you realize that you have submitted the form with incorrect information, you can cancel your submitted application. Once you cancel a submitted application form, It will not be considered for admission and the Application Submission Code for the canceled application form will become invalid.

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