You can download past year’s board examination question papers answer keys and solutions of the Maharashtra State Board 10th SSC exam, which is scheduled to begin in February 21st according to the Board’s Schedule.
Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education
The “Maharashtra Secondary Boards Act” of 1965 created the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE), a statutory body that was established on January 1st, 1966. It is regarded as the second-most popular education board in India after the CBSE and is solely in charge of conducting the SSC (School Leaving Certificate Examination) for the 10th class and the HSC (Higher Secondary Education) for the 12th class examinations in Maharashtra.
The Board holds exams twice a year, typically in the months of March and October, with results typically being announced in June and January, respectively. The MSBSHSE Class 10 exam covers subjects like English, Science, Math, Social Science, and a few other languages, and passing the exam requires a score of 35 percent (including theory and practical). Every year, candidates from all over the state of Maharashtra apply to sit for the SSC Board.
Latest revised timetable of MH SSC Board exam 2025 Feb/March
The schedule for the Feb/March 2024 SSC (10th) board exam been made public by the Maharashtra State. The exam is scheduled to start on February 21st, and end on March 17th, 2025, according to the timetable. The detailed timetable is available below.
Exam Dates | Morning Session (11:00 am-2.00pm) | Afternoon Session (3 pm-6 pm) |
21.02.2025 | First Language: Marathi, Hindi, Urdu, Gujarati, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Sindhi, Bengali, Punjabi | Second or Third Language: German, French |
22.02.2025 | Multi Skill Assistant Technician Subjects | – |
24.02.2025 | Second or Third Language: Marathi, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Sindhi, Bengali, Punjabi | _ |
27.02.2025 | Second or Third language: Urdu, Gujarati, Sanskrit, Pali, Ardhamagadhi, Persian, Arabic, Avesta, Pahalavi, Russian | Second or Third language (Composite Course) |
01.03.2025 | First language (English), Third Language (English) | – |
03.03.2025 | Second or Third language: Hindi Second or Third Language (Composite Course): Hindi | – |
05.03.2025 | Mathematics Part-1 (Algebra), Arithmetic (Only for eligible Divyang Candidates) | _ |
07.03.2025 | Mathematics Part-II (Geometry) | – |
10.03.2025 | Science and Technology (Part I), Physiology, Hygiene & Home Science (Only for eligible Divyang Candidates) | – |
12.03.2025 | Science and Technology Part-II | – |
15.03.2025 | Social Sciences Paper-I: History and Political Science | – |
17.03.2025 | Social Sciences Paper-II: Geography |
Detailed timetable can be downloaded from Maharashtra SSC Board Exam 2025 Timetable PDF
Maharashtra 10th Board Previous Papers 2013-2024
The previous years Question Papers for all subjects of Maharashtra State School Certificate exams are provided to get an insight of the pattern followed and solving them aids the students to understand the important topics to be focused, types of questions asked, time management, marking scheme etc. Click on the below links to download the SSC Previous Years Question Papers for free:
New !! Model papers for Maharashtra SSC exam 2022- Reduced syllabus
For latest updates on SSC exam 2025, visit
Please send me all the solutions
Hi sir good morning my name is kiran mandle
10 th SSC important questions for all subjects
10th class Urdu medium 2023 all subjects question bank pleas give me
Previous year question paper 10th state board
This is good collection of question papers
10 to 5 year question paper
I want 10th standard SSC board Urdu medium question paper for all subject 2017,18,19,20,21 and 2022.
I want last 5 year question paper for 10 std geography
Give more Hindi papers
Thnak you
Good papers
9th class Maharashtra ssc board last 5 years sample papers
I want Last 3 year 10th board question paper 2019,2018,2017
check the respective links above
10 class maharashtra board question paper 2022
Please gujrati medium science questinpaper2023 paper
I want 2019 ssc board question paper
Thank you for these question papers.
I want ssc 2019 question papers
I want 10th standard SSC board Urdu medium question paper with solution of all subject 2017,18,19,20
What is your mobile number sar
Pls send me urdu medium question papers.
My number is 9833019080.
I want Gujarati composite paper English medium
I want english all imp question
Ssc board exam 2025 english medium
Mam please ? send mi 2018 ssc exam questions paper ? please….
Thanks for these question paper set.
Please provide answer sheet also.
Can you give solutions of all question paper given above
Pls send all subjects English medium ssc board questions paper
Abee pahele textbook toh khatam karo abhi ek question pucha na toh sabki phat jayengi
Need few previous years question papers of all subjects for my daughter, but I am unable to get my email address verified. What to do kindly explain?
I need science 1 questions paper of 2022 board exam
I want last 3 years board exam paper of state board
Mujhe bhi chahiye tumhe mile kya paper please reply me
i have it
Mam , please share me last 10 years 10th ssc board exam pepars please share me mam……
Mujhe mil gya
12 th class science stream question paper maharastra state board provide me , sir sample paper
Mam please send me a ssc board all questions paper please
I want last 3 years board exam paper of state board
I have last year’s 3 year’s Q.papers Maharashtra board
please send it to
I want last 5 years ssc maharashtra board question paper hindi medium..
I want last 2 years 10th standard ssc board question paper for english medium
Its available in the above links… please download and use
Plzz share the link here
Want Urdu medium Questions paper of September 2021
All subject
My Whatsapp number is
I want 10th standard SSC board Urdu medium question paper with solution of all subject 2017,18,19,20,21
I want last 2 years ssc board question paper for english medium
I want 10th standard SSC board exam paper for medium English,of all subject of the year 2020-2019-2018-2017 please send me on my mail Id given below
I want 9th std SSC board English question paper of 2010 & 2020
?question paper for class 9 ssc board English language science last 8 leason
I need last year 2020 SSC all subject question paper of english medium
I want 10th standard SSC board exam paper for medium English,of all subject of the year 2020-2019-2018-2017 please send me on my mail Id given below
10th Maharashtra board question paper last year
I want Sanskrit entire question papers from year 2015 to 2017. Please make it available
Need Gujarati medium ssc exam papers for 2019 & 2020
I too need last five years back question papers hepl me if possible ?✨
I want last 5 years question papers of 10 board exam of all subjects . plus sanskrit . please I need fast.
I want ssc exam paper of science, math,English of last 5 years
Which medium?
I want ssc 2003 marathi subject question papers for marathi mediam
direct 2003,why?
I need 2003 SSC board papers gujarati medium
Thank you so much for question papers
You are welcome… Please share the page with your friends
I want ssc question papers of SSC Maharashtra board of Elements of Mechanical technology of last 5 years.
Many questions are same of my school question paper
My sister is 10class
it is very good .I don’t have to search at many places
I also need July 2019 board ssc question papers
i need ssc english medium 10 th class board paper of july 2019
Thank you sir….
I want last 10 years question paper maharashtra state board
Thanks for getting these papers
I want last 5 years question papers of 10 board exam of all subjects for Marathi medium.
Mere pass hai
I want 10th standard SSC board Urdu medium question paper with solution of all subject 2017,18,19,20,21
My phone number 8454822115
Plz if u have this question paper plz send me
Thanks for sharing all the papers at one place..
Hiiii,all frends best of luck??