Admission NotificationsEntrance Exams

MASCOM PG Diploma in Journalism admissions 2018

Manorama PG Diploma in Journalism admissions 2018

Manaorama School of Communication (MASCOM) invites applications for admissions to its one year Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism for 2018 session.

Eligibility for MASCOM PG Diploma in Journalism

Candidates with a bachelor degree in any discipline and those awaiting degree results may apply.

Selection is based on the entrance examination to be held in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru and various centres in Kerala, followed by an interview at MASCOM in the last week of June.

The medium of instruction at MASCOM is English, but students are free to choose between English and Malayalam streams for specialisation. MASCOM will help provide students with furnished quarters and a canteen that offers meals at subsidised rates.

Application Form can be downloaded from here

A processing fee of Rs.500 must accompany your application. The fee is to be sent as a demand draft in favour of MASCOM, payable at Kottayam, Kerala.

Send application to :

The Director, Manorama School of Communication


Kottayam – 686 001,


Deadline for receiving completed application April 30,2018

Entrance Examination May 26,2018

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