Japan ScholarshipsScholarhips

MEXT Japanese Scholarship Entrance Exam Question Papers and Keys-All levels

MEXT selection written exam question papers

You can download previous year question paper and answer keys of Entrance examinations for Japanese Govt. Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) scholarships for all level of studies viz: Research Students, Undergraduate Students, College of Technology Students and Specialised Training College Students.

The purpose of the MEXT scholarship programs is to accept excellent human resources from foreign countries, including India, to Japan, as international students, to promote mutual understanding with foreign countries and to form human networks, to strengthen the educational and research abilities of Japanese universities, and to make international intellectual contributions.

MEXT Research Student Scholarship Exam Model Paper and Answer Keys

Research level scholarships are available for Graduate school level students (Research/Masters Course/Ph.D. course). Qualifying examination for these courses will be conducted on 19th June 2021. You can download previous year question papers of the qualifying examination from the link below.

MEXT Research Student Scholarship written exam- Question Papers and Keys.

MEXT Undergraduate Student Scholarship Exam Model Paper and Answer Keys

Undergraduate scholarships are available for those who are enrolled in an undergraduate course at a university, or who are receiving preparatory education in the Japanese language and other subjects prior to placement at the university later they will undergo undergraduate level programs leading to Bachelors Degree.  Approximately 15 applicants who successfully pass the first screening will proceed to the world-wide final screening by MEXT. The written examination for the undergraduate program scholarships will be held in the month of June/July 2025

You can download previous year question papers of the qualifying examination from the link below.

MEXT Undergraduate Student Scholarship written exam- Question Papers and Keys.

MEXT College of Technology Student Scholarship Exam Model Paper and Answer Keys

CT scholarships are available for students who are enrolled in a course of study or in an advanced course at a college of technology, or who are receiving preparatory education in the Japanese language and other subjects prior to placement at the college of technology. The students will undergo Undergraduate level programs leading to Associate Degree (Diploma). Approximately 15 applicants who successfully pass the first screening will proceed to the world-wide final screening by MEXT. The written examination for the undergraduate program scholarships will be held in the month of June/July 2025

You can download previous year question papers of the qualifying examination from the link below.

MEXT College of Technology Student Scholarship written exam- Question Papers and Keys.

MEXT Specialised Training Colleges Student Scholarship Exam Model Paper and Answer Keys

Specialised Training Colleges Scholarships are offered for students who are enrolled in a postsecondary course at a specialized training college, or who are receiving preparatory education in the Japanese language and other subjects prior to placement at the specialized training college. The students will undergo Undergraduate level programs leading to Certificate. Approximately 18 applicants who successfully pass the first screening will proceed to the world-wide final screening by MEXT. The written examination for the undergraduate program scholarships will be held in the month of June/July 2025

You can download previous year question papers of the qualifying examination from the link below.

MEXT Specialised Training Colleges Student Scholarship written exam- Question Papers and Keys.


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