Entrance Exams

MNS Entrance 2021- Question Papers and study materials

A Collection of previous year and model papers for Military Nursing Entrance exam

MNS Entrance Question papers

Indian Army Recruits female candidates to pursue 4 year B.Sc Nursing course at Nursing Colleges of Armed Forces Hospitals,  and on successful completion of Nursing Training, Selected candidates will be granted permanent/ short service commission in the Military Nursing Service (MNS).

MNS Biology Mock Tests
MNS Chemistry Mock Tests
MNS Physics Mock Tests
MNS General English Mock Tests

MNS Entrance exam is the selection examination for the candidates to the programme.

MNS Selection Process:

The selection process will consist of written test, interview and medical examination. Eligible applicants will be called for an objective type written test of 90 minutes duration likely to be held in Feb 2018, covering General English, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and General Intelligence. Candidates as per merit on the basis of
written test will be called for interview during May 2018. Final selection will be based on combined merit of written test & interview, subject to medical fitness.

MNS Exam Pattern

MNS Entrance is a 90 minute examination, the test consists objective questions from the following topics

  • General English
  • Biology
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • General Intelligence

Syllabus for the examination

The recruitment notification is not prescribing any syllabus for the MNS Entrance exam, our experts had analyzed the previous question papers of MNS entrance exam and prepared a syllbus guideline for the candidates, you can download it from MNS Entrance detailed Syllabus

MNS Exam Question Papers

To help you to prepare and practice for the MNS entrance, We collected some previous year question papers of Entrance examinations, some model question papers also added to familiarize you with the latest pattern of the examination. Download the papers from the link below

MNS Entrance Mock Tests

Practice with the online mock tests in Biology, Physics, Chemistry and General English for the Military Nursing Entrance, more than 15000 questions in plus two standard are available in the question bank and you can practice with those to get selected for MNS. Check the links below to access the mock tests


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