Unlimited free Mock Tests for NEET 2020

Free mock tests Series for NEET-UG Preparation

Free online NEET mock tests

Practicing with online NEET mock tests for  UG Entrance will help you to analyse your preparation level and also to help you to practice the management of time. Free online NEET Mock tests at are designed with the these in mind

Pattern of NEET UG Examination:

  • Exam Mode: Offline (Pen and Paper Based)
  • Number of Questions: 180
  • Duration of Exam: 180 Minutes (10 AM to 1 PM)
  • Type of Question: MCQ  (with 4 options for each question)
  • Marks: 4 Marks for each correct answer
  • Negative Marking: 1 Mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer

For latest updates on NEET-UG Medical Entrance examination visit the official CBSE NEET Website

Question Distribution pattern of NEET-UG Exam  for Each subject

Section No. of Question
Physics 45
Chemistry 45
Botany 45
Zoology 45
Total 180

Main features of free online NEET Mock Tests

Education observer designed these mock tests with due consideration to the previous year question pattern and difficulty of NEET/ AIPMT exams. Most of the questions are taken from old question papers of prominent medical entrance examinations in the country. Leading coaching institutes in India also helped us to prepare the question bank for each subject. The main features of these online tests are:

  1. Mock tests are available for all 3 subjects for NEET-UG- Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
  2. The question bank for each subject contains 5000+ questions
  3. For each test 10 questions will be selected randomly.
  4. The time for each test will be 5 minutes.
  5. One question will be displayed at a time, you can select the correct answer and save it for the next question.
  6. Your score and the correct answers will be displayed at the end of the test.
  7. You can restart the test with a new set of questions.
  8. The practice set series is mobile view compatible.

Online NEET  Mock Tests – PHYSICS

The question bank contains 6000 questions from the following major physics syllabus topics of NEET examination

Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, Thermodynamics, Gravitation, Properties of Bulk Matter,  Oscillations and Waves etc.

Check the link below to attend the online practice test for NEET- Physics

Online NEET  Mock Tests- CHEMISTRY

Total number of questions available in the question bank is 5,500. All questions are taken from previous year NEET and AIPMT Exams, MCQ questions are available from

Structure of Atom, Classification of Elements ,Periodicity in Properties, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Thermodynamics, Equilibrium, Redox Reactions, Hydrogen, s-Block Element (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals),  Chemical Kinetics, Hydrocarbons etc.

Check the link below to attend free online practice test for NEET-Chemistry

Online Mock Tests for NEET UG- BIOLOGY

A collection of 6000 model msq questions are available in the question bank, and it covers the complete NEET-UG entrance Biology- Botany and Zoology syllabus, important topics covered in the sample tests are

Cell Structure and Function, Plant Physiology,  Biology and Human Welfare, Diversity in Living World, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Reproduction,  Human physiology , Ecology and environment, Genetics and Evolution, Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants,  etc. 


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