Plus Two

Plus Two Physics Study Materials and Notes for Kerala Syllabus

Higher Secondary II Year Physics free study materials, notes, video lectures`

Free notes and materials for +2 Physics students

DHSE- Department of Higher Secondary Education, Kerala was recognized in the year 1990. It is the regulatory body of higher secondary schools in Kerala. The Directorate of Higher Secondary Education oversees the educational process of the Higher Secondary section and is the sole board responsible for conducting the HSE public examination for plus one and plus two i.e. for class 11 and 12 every year.

Scoring good percentage for +2 Examination marks a stepping stone towards a bright future and it necessitates hard work, dedication and reference to various study materials.

Physics being a combination of theory and problem solving goes hand in hand with the other. By referring different sources of study material, the student gets a clear awareness of the chapter and also how to answer in a stress-free effective manner for the examination. This knowledge would also benefit the students in their forthcoming entrance examinations like KEAM, NEET, UPSC etc.

Hence, we are here to deliver study materials for +2 Physics which will support you to understand the subject well and to score better in the examination.

The study resources like Basics, Lecture Notes, Practice Papers, Reference Material etc. are shared for all the chapters of Physics.

Video links are also provided to give the students a visual understanding on the various topics covered.

Study Material of Class XII/ +2 Physics:

You can download the Pdf format of the study materials for free from the links provided below:



Chapter No. Chapter Name & Download Links
1 Electric Charges and Fields
2 Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
3 Current Electricity
4 Moving Charges and Magnetism
5 Magnetism and Matter
6 Electromagnetic Induction
7 Alternating Current
8 Electromagnetic Waves
9 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
10 Wave Optics
11 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
12 Atoms
13 Nuclei
14 Semiconductor Electronics Materials, Devises and Simple Circuits
15 Communication System


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