RBI Grade B

Analysis of RBI Grade B Exam 2017 with Official Cutoff Marks

RBI Grade B Exam 2017- Exam Section Wise Analysis and Cut Off

RBI Grade B 2017 Reasoning Ability Analyisis Chart

Analysing the previous year RBI Grade B examination question papers will help you in your preparations, as it gives you the direction to select the areas needs to be concentrated in your study planning.

RBI Grade B Phase I Exam 2017 was held on June 17, 2017 (17.06.2017) in the following pattern and general difficulty level

Difficulty Level and Pattern of Exam

Section Total Questions Difficulty level
General Awareness 80 Easy
English Language 30 Moderate
Quantitative Aptitude 30 Difficult
Reasoning 60 Moderate
Total 200 Moderate

RBI Grade B Official cut-off score 2017

RBI released the official cut-off score for Grade B officers 2017 in the following manner. You can find the category-wise and sectional divisions of the cut-off marks from the following table

  • Official RBI Grade B Cut Off 2017 – Phase I

Let us take a look at the RBI Grade B for phase 1 Exam Category Wise Cut Off.

Section/ Category General Awareness
(Total  Marks: 80)
Reasoning Ability
(Total  Marks: 60)
English Language
(Total  Marks: 30)
Quantitative Aptitude
(Total  Marks: 30)
(Total  Marks: 200)
General 16.50 11.00 6.75 4.00 78.00
OBC 12.50 8.00 5.25 2.50 68.00
SC 11.00 6.75 4.75 2.00 64.00
ST 11.00 6.75 4.75 2.00 64.00
PWD (OH/ HI/ VH) 11.00 6.75 4.75 2.00 64.00

Subject Wise Analysis of RBI Grade B Phase I Exam 2017

Download the question paper at Solved Paper of RBI Grade B Phase I Exam 2017

To get a detailed analysis of the examination topics and its importance in each section, we are presenting you a graphical representation of the topics with its difficulty level. This will help you to streamline your preparations in the desired level.


  1. General Awareness Section

This section had about 30 questions on Banking awareness and RBI, 40 questions from Current affairs and 10 questions came from GK.

RBI Grade B 2017 General Awareness Analyisis Chart


  1. English Language Section

A total of 10 questions came from Reading Comprehension, paragraphs were difficult and required further reading to figure out the answers. All questions were inference based. No vocabulary questions came from Reading Comprehension. No para jumble and cloze test questions came this time.
RBI Grade B 2017 English Language Analyisis Chart

3. Quantitative Aptitude Section

The Data Interpretation questions were Line Graph + Table -Missing Data and Double Pie Chart based questions. The Case-Let Based questions had a problem on Revenue of railways for last three years.

The comparison of quantity questions were had Time and Work, Probability, Boat and Stream, Linear Equation and  Quadratic Equation questions. The miscellaneous section had Time and Work, Mensuration (Cone based), Percentage, Boat and Stream, Mixture and Allegation, Profit, Loss and Discount, Simple Interest/Compound Interest, Time, Speed and Distance, Probability and partnership questions for 1 mark each
RBI Grade B 2017 Quantitative Aptitude Analyisis Chart

4. Reasoning Section

The Analytical Reasoning part of the paper had questions from Linear Seating Arrangement in Parallel Rows , Floor based worker arrangement,  7 people with their age based blood relation, 12 people working 6 months based, people in different cities based questions.

Logical reasoning section had questions from Inference, Decision Making, Strong & Weak Argument, Statement Conclusion, Statement and Course of Action etc.

RBI Grade B 2017 Reasoning Ability Analysis Chart


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