SBI Exams

SBI PO Exam 2018- Important Changes in Exam Pattern

SBI introduced some major changes in the examination sheme of the PO exam

SBI PO Prelims Pattern Change

SBI issued the notification for Probationary Officers recruitment 2018, and about 2000 vacancies are reported this year. A detailed notification is available here for your reference.

This year SBI introduced some changes to the exam system, the major differences are as follows.

Separate Time Limit for Each Section in Preliminary Examination:

In the 2018 SBI PO Preliminary exam session, Separate time limit is introduced to complete each section/ subject of the examination. Now each section has 20 minutes to finish. Last year, Only the candidate need to complete the exam in 60 minutes, and no sectional time limit was allotted for each subject, so the candidates can complete the English section in 10-15 minutes and can spend that time to attempt the tougher Reasoning/ QI section.

New Pattern with sectional time limit for SBI PO Prelims

Section No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
English Language 30 30 20 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 20 minutes
Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes
Total 100 100 60 minutes

No Sectional Cut-Offs for Prelims 2018

SBI introduced sectional time limit for the PO prelims exam. In the meantime the sectional cut-off marks has been withdrawn. The candidate need secure qualifying marks for each of the sections of SBI PO Prelims examination. The Preliminary exam marks are calculated in total, and the merit list will be prepared on the basis of the aggregate marks scored in the Preliminary Examination

These are the major changes in SBI PO Examination in the year 2018.Useful links for SBI PO exam 2018

 SBI PO Examination Study Materials, Question papers and Mock Tests

SBI PO Solved previous year question paper 2017



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