BIRMINGHAM UNIVERSITY Faculty of Education & Continuing Studies School of Education





Fellowships and Postgraduate Teaching Assistantships
About 10-20 fellowships and 4 teaching assistantships are offered worldwide at research level for one year full-time, not renewable.

Subject: Educational Research.

Duration: one year.

Eligibility: Only for those who are reading for a research degree of M.Phil Teaching Assistantships: Those reading for a research' degree. Holders are required to undertake teaching duties (up to 120 hours per annum). Value: Tuition fees at 'home' students rate. Maintenance for Teachin) Assistantships only, at Research Council rates.

Value: Tuition fees at 'home' students rate. Maintenance for Teaching Assistantships only, at Research Council rates.

Last date: April of the year of award.

The Academic Secretary's Office,
Education and Continuing Studio Division, The University of Birmingham,
Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT UK.