Class XI

NCERT STD XI Physics- Free Study Materials for CBSE Students

NCERT Class 12 Physics Study Notes, Solutions for Problems, Further references and Video Lectures for All Chapters

Free materials, notes and video lectures for Physics theory CBSE Plus One

CBSE XI is very important for every student as the concepts taught here is included and is very crucial for the Class XII board examination. By referring different sources of study material, you would get a better understanding of the chapters and can also answer the Question paper in an easier effective timely manner. This knowledge would also help the students in their forthcoming education and entrance examinations.  If you fail to understand the concepts of class 11 now, you may face lots of difficulties in class 12 as the basics are not clear. So to help students understand each and every chapter of class 11, we are here to provide study materials like Basics, Notes, Practice Papers, Reference Material etc.  They are shared for all the chapters of CBSE Class XI Physics.

Video links for each and every chapter of Class XI Physics are also provided to give the students a visual understanding of the concept. The notes and materials will help you to learn the theory parts well and the video lectures are good for a better understanding of theory as well as practicals of plus one Physics.

Free Study Materials of CBSE Plus One Physics:

The Pdf format of the study materials can be downloaded for free from the links provided below:

Chapter No. Chapter Name and Notes Download Links
1 Physical world
2 Units and measurement
3 Motion in a straight line
4 Motion in a plane
5 Laws of Motion
6 Work, Energy and Power
7 Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion
8 Gravitation
9 Mechanical Properties of Solids
10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids
11 Thermal Properties of Matter
12 Thermodynamics
13 Kinetic Theory
14 Oscillations
15 Waves

Important Links


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