Tamilnadu Board Question Papers

Model papers for Tamilnadu class 12 first midterm exam

TN12th 1st midterm model papers

The first midterm exams for students in the HSE 12th standard will be administered in Tamil Nadu schools in the months of July and August 2023. The links below will take you to previous year’s first midterm exam question papers conducted by various school districts, which you can use to study for the examination. You can improve your aptitude for tests and achieve excellent grades in the upcoming TN +2 first mid-term exam by going through these sample questions.

HSE 12 First Midterm exam 2023- Timetable

The exam will be conducted by each educational district as per their own timetable in the first/second week of August 2023. Refer respective notifications for exact dates.

12th First midterm exam previous year question papers

To access the question papers and answer keys for the class 12 first midterm exam in Tamil Nadu, click on the relevant links for each subject. For some subjects, answer keys are also provided for your reference.

SubjectPrevious First midterm question download link
Computer ScienceDownload
Business MathsDownload
Computer ApplicationDownload

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