03-07-2025, 03:44 PM
From the links below +2 Annual Exam Physics question paper 2025 with answer key in PDF Format can be downloaded easily.
Some sample questions from the question paper are:
1. A circle of radius r is drawn with a charge +q placed at the centre. The work done in moving a point charge once around the circumference of the circle is------------.
2. ______process is responsible for the production of energy in sun. (Nuclear fission / Nuclear fusion)
3. What is meant by ionisation energy ? Write its value for hydrogen atom.
4. (a) What is equipotential surface ?
(b) Write two properties of equipotential surfaces.
5. Using Huygens concept of wavefront, derive Snell’s law of refraction.
6. (a) What is the working principle of an a.c. generator ?
(b) With the help of a diagram, explain theory and working of an a.c. generator.
For Kerala +2 Annual Exam 2025 Physics Question Paper with answer key, click below
Plus Two Annual Exam PHYSICS Question Paper 2025 (Mal Med).pdf (Size: 1.25 MB / Downloads: 98)
Plus Two Annual Exam PHYSICS Question Paper 2025 (Eng Med).pdf (Size: 1.03 MB / Downloads: 242)
Plus Two Annual Exam 2025 Physics Answer Key by Lalan Sir.pdf (Size: 841.15 KB / Downloads: 114)
Some sample questions from the question paper are:
1. A circle of radius r is drawn with a charge +q placed at the centre. The work done in moving a point charge once around the circumference of the circle is------------.
2. ______process is responsible for the production of energy in sun. (Nuclear fission / Nuclear fusion)
3. What is meant by ionisation energy ? Write its value for hydrogen atom.
4. (a) What is equipotential surface ?
(b) Write two properties of equipotential surfaces.
5. Using Huygens concept of wavefront, derive Snell’s law of refraction.
6. (a) What is the working principle of an a.c. generator ?
(b) With the help of a diagram, explain theory and working of an a.c. generator.
For Kerala +2 Annual Exam 2025 Physics Question Paper with answer key, click below